Lyashchenko Y. Political marketing in the conditions of the information society

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 052 - Політологія


Specialized Academic Board


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


The dissertation solves an urgent scientific task, which consists in the scientific and theoretical substantiation of political marketing and the development of promising directions for the development of its modern models as the main factor influencing the formation and evolution of the political environment of Ukraine in the conditions of the information society. The dissertation study developed a modern polystructural model of political marketing as the main factor influencing the formation and evolution of the political environment of Ukraine, the structural elements of which are: the Brand Awareness Model, the Voter Contact Model, the micro-target audience model (Microtargeting Model), social media model, data collection and analysis model, grassroots and volunteer model, crisis management model. The set of basic roles of political marketing at the current stage of state development has been improved, such as: involving the public in political processes and campaigns; formation of a positive image of candidates, parties or political organizations; ensuring effective communication with voters; development of effective election strategies to achieve success in elections; monitoring and data analysis to assess campaign effectiveness and make necessary adjustments; mobilization of voters; interaction with the media to ensure publicity and reporting on the actions of political subjects; development of volunteer support for political organizations and candidates.

Research papers

Лященко Ю. Є. Інформаційне суспільство та його вплив на ринок політичної влади в Україні. Вісник Львівського університету. Серія філософсько-політологічні студії. № 50 (2023). С. 177 – 183.

Лященко Н.Б., Лященко Ю. Є. Політичний маркетинг та інформаційний простір : сутність і взаємозалежність. Наукові перспективи: журнал. 2023. № 8(38) 2023. С. 178-190. URL:

Larysa Komakha, Valentyna Goshovska, Volodymyr Slyshynskyy, Yuriy Lyashchenko, Natalia Lyashchenko. Prospects for the development of information and analytical activities in the system of public authority under the conditions of wartime posture in Ukraine. Economic Affairs (New Delhi), 2022, october, vol. 67(04s), pp. 697-706. (Скорус). Doi: 10.46852/0424-2513.4s.2022.3 URL:


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