Svyrydenko H. Pedagogical conditions for dyscalculia correction in primary school pupils with speech disorders in inclusive education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 016 - Спеціальна освіта


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 68

Dragomanov Ukrainian State University


The state of elaboration of the problem of pedagogical conditions for dyscalculia correction in primary school pupils with speech disorders in the theory and practice of education of persons with special educational needs is clarified, the scientific and theoretical approaches to the interpretation of the main concepts of the dissertation research are considered, the international and national legislative documents are presented, which regulate the right for equal access to quality education in the conditions of the New Ukrainian School development, introduction of inclusive education based on “child-centeredness”, as well as formation of key and subject competences, in particular mathematical. A complex of pedagogical conditions for the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support has been systematized; the material on the relationship between mental development and difficulties in mathematical activity in primary school pupils with speech disorders is summarized, the general types of problems in the assimilation of mathematical material by education applicants, the causes of dyscalculia, the peculiarities of its manifestation, and the classification of its types are described. The organization of the experimental verification of the investigated phenomenon is characterized with a description of its stages (organizational-preparatory; diagnostic; final). Organizational and pedagogical requirements for the examination of children with speech disorders, criteria (presence of dyscalculia and differentiation according to its types; the state of development of non-speech and speech mental processes as prerequisites for the development of mathematical competence; levels of development of verbal and logical thinking, levels of development of the motivational sphere) and indicators of the study of the experience of mathematical activities of primary school pupils with speech disorders, detection of dyscalculia, identification of specific difficulties have been determined. The diagnostic tasks (purpose, content, evaluation system) were selected and systematized. The structure of psychological and pedagogical support for primary school pupils with speech disorders and dyscalculia in a general secondary education institution with inclusive education was developed with a description of the projective (goal, tasks, directions, principles, requirements, methods and means) and constructive (diagnostic, main stage, monitoring stage, pedagogical conditions) blocks. The pedagogical conditions for dyscalculia correction of primary school pupils with speech disorders are substantiated (organization of the study of children with speech disorders; organization of psychological and pedagogical support for a child with speech disorders and dyscalculia; organization of psychological and pedagogical work on the formation of mathematical activity skills; implementation of an activity approach during mathematics lessons and practical activities; learning through movement and cognition through the senses; interaction of the participants of the psychological and pedagogical support team with the parents of pupils with speech disorders and dyscalculia); the methodological ways (forms, methods, techniques, means, technologies, etc.) of their implementation in the process of psychological and pedagogical support in an institution with inclusive education are described. An experimental verification of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for dyscalculia correction in primary school pupils with speech disorders was carried out. Factors predisposing to the occurrence of graphic, verbal, dyslexic, operational, practognostic dyscalculia in primary school pupils with speech disorders, specific difficulties in mathematical activities in accordance with the development of their cognitive processes are summarized. It is argued that the obtained results of the pedagogical experiment made it possible to state that the developed and theoretically substantiated pedagogical conditions for dyscalculia correction in pupils with speech disorders ensured the effectiveness of their implementation in the process of psychological and pedagogical support in an institution of general secondary education with inclusive education.

Research papers

1. Свириденко Г. В. Страх та невпевненість дитини як психологічні чинники дискалькулії. Resilience: the main challenges and development of resilience competencies in the educational paradigm: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia: «Baltija Publishing», 2023. 148 р.

2. Свириденко Г. В. LEGO - конструювання як засіб корекції дискалькулії у молодших школярів. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук. 2022. Вип. 52, том 3. С. 184-189.

3. Свириденко Г. В. Дискалькулія учнів початкових класів з порушеннями мовлення як психолого-педагогічна проблема. Науковий журнал Сумського державного педагогічного університету імені А.С. Макаренка «Inclusion and Diversity». 2023. № 3. С. 72-76.

4. Свириденко Г. В. Особливості розуміння та використання прийменників просторового значення учнями з мовленнєвими порушеннями. Науковий Вісник Мелітопольського державного педагогічного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького. Серія: Педагогіка. 2022. № 2 (29). С. 177-180.

5. Svyrydenko H., Shevchenko Y., Dubiaha S., Kovalova O., Varina, H. Neuropsychological peculiarities of cognitive functions of speech-impaired junior pupils. Metodos e tecnicas de pesquisas cientificas. 2023. Vol. 15 (40). Р. 322-339. doi: https: //і40.11252

6. Свириденко Г. В. Сюжетно-рольові ігри з математичним змістом у корекційній роботі з учнями, що мають мовленнєві порушення. Український психолого-педагогічний науковий збірник. 2022. Вип. 26 (26). С. 39-42.

7. Свириденко Г. В. Профілактика дискалькулії в учнів початкових класів через систему творчих завдань. SCINCE, RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT. #40 (04/2021).

8. Свириденко Г. В. Тривожність учнів початкових класів як психологічний чинник дискалькулії. Herald pedagogiki. Nauka i praktika. #51 (02/2022).

9. Свириденко Г. В. Розвиток творчого мислення учнів з дискалькулією на уроках математики. Тези для участі у Всеукраїнській з міжнародною участю науково-практичної конференції. Рига, Латвія, 2022.


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