Marusiak А. Breeding and genetic monitoring of eggplant raw material

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Агрономія

Specialized Academic Board


Institute of vegetables and melon growing National academy of agricultural sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation examines the topical issue of increasing the efficiency of the eggplant selection process by studying the initial selection material based on a set of signs and properties. Research was carried out during 2021-2023 at the experimental base of the Institute of Vegetables and Melon Growing of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. The material for research was 251 genotypes of starting material of eggplant, of which: 31 collection samples, 200 samples of breeding material, 11 F1 hybrids and 9 interspecies hybrids that were evaluated during the years of research in open ground conditions with wide space registration signs and properties. Sources of early ripening were identified, so the shortest period from germination to technical ripeness of fruits in 2021 and 2022 was observed in the Xingyuun sample (92 and 90 days, respectively) and in 2023 - in the Hangqi №1 sample (100 days). It was established that the duration of the period from germination to the technical ripeness of the fruits of the collection samples of eggplant primarily depends on the number of days between the phases of flowering and the technical ripeness of the fruits. (r = 0.70-0.74). According to the level of manifestation of the "productivity" trait, the following are selected: 5 selection-valuable collection varieties – Daejeon Purple (1656,00 g / plant), Zelkilo (1701,67 g / plant) and Long Violet (1782,00 g / plant), the productivity of which exceeded the Almaz standard (1506,33 g/plant) was from 9,94% to 18,00 % and 2 hybrids F1 – Emerald F1 (1458,67 g/plant) with a productivity level ratio to the standard of 89,87 % and Mari F1 (1323,33 g/plant). According to the "average weight of the marketable fruit", 14 valuable sources were selected: 10 varieties – Marafonets, Vironik, Universal-6, Long Violet, Black Beauty, Xingyuun, Helios, Rosa Bianka di Catania, Daejeon Purple, Zelkilo (217,18-526, 83 g) and 4 F1 hybrids – Briska F1, Klorinda F1, Gordita F1 and Emerald F1 (392,11-941,00 g) for use in the selection of high-yielding large-fruited genotypes. The highest weight of marketable fruit was the variety Zelkilo (526,83 g) from China and the hybrid from Italy Briska F1 (941,00 g) with an excess over the standard from 187 % to 287,40 %, respectively. According to the characteristic "average number of fruits per plant", 13 valuable sources were identified: Veronik, Long Violet, Thai Long Green, Hangqi №1, Hangqi №1-2, Turkish Oran Hangqi №1-2ge, Zelenenky, Luisiana Long Green and Swan (5,88-13,19 pcs / plant), Mari F1, Purple Dragon F1, Piglet F1 and Galchonok F1 (5,17-11,37 pieces / growth). It was established that the characteristic "productivity" of the samples has an average dependence (r=0,39-0,56) on the nature of the manifestation of its component - the characteristic "average weight of marketable fruit". It can be noted that all the samples evaluated in this study show significant diversity in the manifestation of quantitative plant characteristics in different environmental conditions. Among the varieties, the variety Luisiana Long Green was noted for its minimal variability in the number of shoots (CV = 1,68 %). The maximum variability in the studies of varieties was also found for the same trait in the Zelenenkyi variety (CV = 21,16 %). Among the hybrids, the minimum variability was observed in the Izumrudny F1 hybrid in terms of plant width (CV = 0,00 %), the maximum variability was noted in the Bibo F1 hybrid in terms of plant width (CV = 13,58 %). Among the varieties, the least reaction to the change in growing conditions was noted: by plant height – Thai Long Green (bi = -0,03) and Daejeon Purple and (bi = 0,13); by plant width – Hangqi No.1-2 (bi = 0,23); by the number of shoots – Luisiana Long Green (bi = -0,05). Among the hybrids, the following were more stable: in terms of plant height and width – Izumrudniy F1 (bi = -0,42 and 0,00, respectively); by the number of shoots - Bibo F1 (bi = 0,26). Five new breeding lines of eggplant were created: IRA-22 (UL 5400414) (A.c. №. 2543, 06.06.2024), AAC-22 (UL 5400415) (A.c. № 2542, 05.03.2023), including the Pavlotas-20 line (UL 5400398) (A.c. № 2429, 08.30.2023) which was created by the method of interspecies hybridization using gametophytic selection. Lines SOV-23 (UL 5400419) and KRV-23 (UL 5400418) (Certificate № 391, 17.01.2024) are included in the National Agricultural Research Service of Ukraine for qualification examination in order to obtain a certificate as a sample of the gene pool of plants of Ukraine. New promising varieties of eggplant, Lokbatan, Shche and Toi, were created and submitted for qualification examination to the State Variety Testing Service.

Research papers

1. Куц О.В., Івченко Т.В., Онищенко О.І., Семененко І.І., Колеснік Л.І., Чаюк О.О., Лялюк О.С., Пилипенко Л.В., Марусяк А.О., Валієва М.Є. Ефективність стимуляції росту овочевих рослин в ювенільний період. Овочівництво і баштанництво. Харків, 2021. Вип. 69. С. 89-98. DOI: 10.32717/0131-0062-2021-69-89-98. URL:

2. Кондратенко С.І., Самовол О.П., Сергієнко О.В., Марусяк А.О., Ільїнова Є.М. Аналіз беккросних потомств баклажана міжвидового походження за комплексом господарсько-цінних ознак. Овочівництво і баштанництво. Харків, 2022. Вип. 72. С. 15-23. DOI: 10.32717/0131-0062-2022-72-15-22. URL:

3. Кондратенко С. І., Самовол О. П., Сергієнко О. В., Ткалич Ю. В., Марусяк А. О. Оцінка потенціалу продуктивності ліній баклажана, створених на основі міжвидової гібридизації та гаметної селекції. Plant Varieties Studying and Protection. 2024. Т. 20. No 1. С. 26–33. DOI: 10.21498/2518-1017.20.1.2024.300133. URL:

4. Кондратенко С. І., Сергієнко О. В., Марусяк О. А. Покращення генетичного потенціалу культурної форми баклажана за рахунок гібридизації з лінією міжвидового походження. Наукові доповіді НУБіП України. 2024. Вип. № 3 (109). 15 c. DOI:10.315-48/ dopovidi.3(109).2024.011. URL:

5. Марусяк А.О., Крутько Р.В. Характер мінливості вегетаційного періоду колекційних зразків баклажана. Таврійський науковий вісник Сер. Землеробство, рослинництво, овочівництво та баштанництво. Херсон: Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2024. Вип. 135. Ч. 1. С. 105-111. DOI: 10.32782/2226-0099.2024.135.1.14. URL:

. Марусяк А.О., Сергієнко О.В. Скринінг колекційних зразків баклажана за продуктивністю та її складовими. Селекція і насінництво. Харків, 2024. Вип. 125. С. 74-93. DOI: 10.30835/2413-7510.2024.306972

7. Марусяк А.О., Крутько Р.В. Variability of quantitative plant characters of eggplant collection samples Овочівництво і баштанництво. Харків, 2024. Вип. 75. С. 6-16 DOI: 10.32717/0131-0062-2022-75-6-16

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