Shirinian E. Development of the banking services market in Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 072 - Фінанси, банківська справа, страхування та фондовий ринок

Specialized Academic Board

ID 6590

State Tax University


The market of banking services is considered from the perspective of a segment of the financial services market as an economic environment for the buying and selling of banking services. Currently, discussions are underway regarding the optimal number of banks in the market, competitiveness, market efficiency indicators, as banks facilitate redistributive relations, can be powerful investors in the economy, and can enhance the welfare of the population. The purpose of the dissertation is to deepen theoretical foundations, expand methodological tools, and develop practical recommendations for the development of the banking services market in Ukraine. The object of the study is the market of banking services in Ukraine as a structural element of the financial ecosystem. The subject of the study is the economic relations arising in the process of development of the market of banking services in Ukraine. The research uses the following methodologies: systemic analysis - to determine the essence of concepts; generalization - to systematize the conceptual tools; comparative analysis - to use approaches of different authors; statistical analysis - to compare factual data; correlation analysis and modelling - to determine the influence of factors on the resulting indicators of the banking services market; graphical analysis - to visualize economic dependencies; elements of ratio analysis - to compare market positions of banks and indicators with normative values and identify trends in the banking services market. The information base of the study includes legislative and regulatory acts, statistical data from the National Bank of Ukraine and authorized bodies, materials of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, scientific publications of domestic and foreign scholars, internet resources, and financial statements of banks. The dissertation refines the definitions of "market of banking services" and "banking ecosystem" from the perspectives of open systems theory and behavioral economics. It establishes patterns of changes in bank size and the development of the banking services market, provides empirical evidence of statistically significant correlations between the number of banks in the market and performance indicators, develops a new methodology for evaluating a bank's market position, devises a system of key efficiency indicators, and offers suggestions for further development of the banking services market.

Research papers

1. Шірінян Е. А. Конкурентна позиція банку на ринку банківських послуг України. Світ Фінансів. 2023. № 4 (77). С. 95-107.

2. Шірінян Е. А. Особливості розвитку ринку банківських послуг України: ефект розміру банку і закон Гібрата. Бізнес-Інформ. 2023. № 12. C. 278–287.

3. Шірінян Е. А., Коваленко Ю.М. Розвиток ринку банківських послуг України на сучасному етапі еволюції. Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. 2023. № 12. С. 5-19.

4. Шірінян Е. А., Шірінян Л. В. Ринок банківських послуг з позицій сучасної науки і законодавства. Облік і фінанси. 2023. № 2 (100). С. 111-121.

5. Шірінян Е. А., Шірінян А. С. Банківська екосистема: новий понятійний апарат банківської науки. Облік і фінанси. 2022. № 2(96). С. 82-90.

6. Шірінян А. С., Шірінян Е. А. Детермінанти ефективності функціонування ринку банківських послуг для держави. Ефективна економіка. 2020. № 7.

7. Лисенок О. В., Шірінян Л. В., Шірінян Е. А. Оцінка економічної ефективності операцій банку з цінними паперами (на прикладі АТ «Ощадбанк»). Фінанси України. 2021. № 4. С. 48-64.

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