Korotkova D. Modeling the Distribution of Income and Expenditure within Household

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 1.24.6775

Institute for Demography and Life Quality Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Object – the collection of households in Ukraine and their members; goal – the development of methodological and practical approaches, as well as scientific and practical recommendations for assessing the distribution of income and expenses within households based on modeling methods; methods – historical-logical, comparison and generalization, scientific abstraction, econometric and microsimulation modeling, graphical and tabular methods; novelty – the modeling of income and expense distribution within Ukrainian households using a collective approach and a three-tiered system of models, whose main components are structural, econometric, and micro-simulation models, this has enabled the assessment of the impact of individual household members on resource distribution, the formulation of recommendations for refining estimates of population differentiation by living standards, and potential directions for improving the targeting of social support measures; improved methodological approaches to identifying the factors influencing the distribution of resources among household members have been enhanced, allowing for the evaluation of the relationship between the structure and level of household consumer expenditures with the main characteristics of different types of households; approaches to the formation of information support for modeling based on microdata from state and non-state household surveys and methods for combining data from different surveys have been improved, this has provided a basis for testing models on larger data sets and improving the reliability of identified patterns; the methodological principles of microsimulation modeling of the distribution of resources in households took into account the main demographic and socio-economic factors, which made it possible to spread the modeling results to the entire population of households in Ukraine; theoretical and practical results – based on the results of research, a modeling toolkit was developed, scientific and practical recommendations were formulated, intended for use in the development and evaluation of social and economic policy measures and conducting research on the distribution of resources within the household; the research results are implemented in economic practice.

Research papers

Саріогло В.Г., Короткова Д.С. Моделі споживчої поведінки домогосподарств: еволюція від унітарних до колективних. Демографія та соціальна економіка. 2023. № 3(53). С. 79–96.

Котенко Т.М., Короткова Д.С. Фактори споживчої поведінки домогосподарств України у довоєнний і воєнний періоди: колективний підхід до визначення та оцінки. Статистика України. 2023. № 2. С. 24–34.

Garcia J., Couppié E., Barbieri M., Poniakina S., Bonnet F., Camarda C., Cambois E., Hourani I., Korotkova D., Meslé F., Penina O., Robine J., Sauerberg M., Torres C. The demography of COVID_19 deaths database, a gateway to well-documented international data. Scientific Data. Data descriptor. 2022.

Mykola Dziamulych, Volodymyr Sarioglo, Tetiana Kotenko, Olena Didkivska, Daria Korotkova, Tetiana Talakh, Volodymyr Say. Differentiation of income and expenditures of households in the system of formation of the demographic situation in Ukraine. AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. 2023. Vol. 13. Іssue 2. Specialissue XXXV. Р. 111–115.

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