In the dissertation, a theoretical generalization and solution of the scientific problem is carried out, which is manifested in the theoretical and methodological justification of the ways and directions of the development of business communications in the context of ensuring social and economic security at trade enterprises in modern conditions.
The author deepened the essence of the socio-economic security of the enterprise, where it is defined as the state of social, economic, mental and psychological comfort of the enterprise's employees, which is achieved through the coordinated activity of state authorities, the enterprise's administration through the formation of motivational mechanisms, management decisions, the effectiveness of management activities and is aimed at prevention, avoidance and reduction of threats and risks to the life, physical and mental health of employees, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the enterprise.
The interpretation of the essence of the concept of "business communications in the context of ensuring social and economic security of the enterprise" has been improved, which illuminates them as an indicator of the development of the enterprise and takes into account the two-way relationship between the effectiveness of business communications and the level of social and economic security of the enterprise, which makes it possible to achieve a synergistic effect of their mutual influence and creates security conditions for all objects of the business entity at different levels of management.
The dissertation defines the peculiarities of trade as a specific industry, which, in the conditions of martial law, carries out coordination of supply and demand on the market of goods and services. In a competitive environment, trade enterprises must promptly respond to modern external and internal changes, find innovative solutions, form effective management solutions, increase the efficiency of trade activities due to the development of business communications.
The scientific-methodical approach to assessing the state and development of business communications is substantiated, which is based on a system of qualitative assessments that make it possible to formalize the properties of the object using elements of fuzzy logic (frequency and satisfaction from participation in business communications, the level of communication competence of the participants, the level of the influence of factors and models on the success of business communication), as well as on the system of indicators of social and economic security (personnel security, production and technological security, financial security, environmental security, digital security), which allows not only to monitor the dynamics of changes, but also to determine the synergy of the interaction of the development of business communications and the provision of social and economic security of the enterprise.
In order to comprehensively diagnose the development of business communications in the context of ensuring the social and economic security of enterprises, an analysis of the state and development trends of trade enterprises in Ukraine and the city of Poltava and the Poltava region in particular was carried out. Monitoring of business communications of trade enterprises of Poltava was carried out in order to determine the main factors contributing to their development in order to ensure social and economic security.
The dissertation student has formed a competency-based business model, which, by synthesizing resources, dynamic communication abilities and competencies, is characterized by emergency, which provides effective influence on the object of management (income, expenses, consumers, cash flows) both in the current and long-term perspective, which contributes to the provision of social - economic security of the enterprise.
In order to form effective business cooperation at trade enterprises in modern conditions, a conceptual model of business communications has been developed to ensure the socio-economic security of the enterprise, which is based on three main blocks: 1) the result of business communications (strategic, economic, security improvement); 2) value of interaction (value indicators, main benefits); 3) socio-economic security, which can be a management tool for achieving common goals and ensuring competitive performance.
During the study of the development of business communications in the context of ensuring social and economic security, the author developed strategies for the behavior of business partners, which are aimed at strengthening partnership relations, reducing risks and increasing the social and economic security of all participants in business communications. Their implementation will make it possible to achieve sustainable development, satisfy the needs of consumers and increase the competitiveness of trade enterprises on the market of goods and services.