Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 227 - Фізична терапія, ерготерапія.


Specialized Academic Board

ID6301 Музика Остап Федорович

Lviv State University of Physical Culture named after Ivan Bobersky


The object – system of physical therapy of military personnel; the goal – to justify a differentiated approach to the assessment of functioning in the system of physical therapy of military personnel; methods – methods of the theoretical level of research – analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; methods of the empirical research level: sociological [interviews, history taking, evaluation of the level of functioning and limitations of life activities according to the WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire; measuring health-related quality of life using the MOS SF-36 questionnaire; assessment of the level of clinical manifestations of anxiety and depression according to the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS); a person's ability to perform activities of daily living according to the Barthel index; qualitative and quantitative assessment of the impact of chronic low back pain on the performance of daily tasks and a person's life in general was carried out by the Ukrainian version of the Oswestry Disability Index questionnaire (ODI, version 2.1a)]; functional [six-minute walking test]; methods of mathematical statistics - descriptive statistics, correlation and factor analysis, α-Cronbach's index was calculated to check the internal consistency, structure and validity of the questionnaire; parametric methods of evaluating statistical hypotheses.; novelty – for the first time, a model for assessing functioning in the physical therapy system of military personnel has been substantiated, which provides for the differentiation of assessment approaches according to categories of military personnel and levels of rehabilitation assistance, which is based on taking into account the biopsychosocial concept of health; for the first time, a validated Ukrainian-language methodology for assessing the functioning of military personnel was created, which is a reliable and sensitive tool for assessing and monitoring the level of limitation of vital activities; for the first time, the level of functioning and limitations of life activities of various categories of Ukrainian servicemen (cadets, servicemen during military service and wounded) were determined; for the first time, indicators of the level of functioning according to the WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire were established for Ukrainian servicemen of various categories and the value of the minimum clinically significant difference, which will contribute to the evaluation of the effectiveness of physical therapy and rehabilitation, long-term monitoring of the functioning of servicemen and other categories of the population; results – the development of a differentiated approach to the assessment of functioning in the physical therapy system of military personnel, which involves a differentiated approach, as well as the use of a Ukrainian-language nosologically non-specific tool that can be implemented for various categories of military personnel and a wide range of patients; conducting linguistic and cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the WHODAS 2.0 questionnaire; branch – 22 "Health care", specialty 227 "Physical therapy, occupational therapy".

Research papers

1. Muzyka OF, et al. Injury framework and relevance of physiotherapy of upper limbs` injury and pain syndromes in cadets of Higher Military Educational Institutions. Acta Balneologica. 2022;64(1):50–4. doi:10.36740/abal202201110.

2. Pavlova I, Muzyka O, Tymruk-Skoropad K. World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0: Psychometric Properties and validation of the Ukrainian version in a sample of Cadets of the Armed Forces. Advances in Rehabilitation. 2022;36(2):39–48. doi:10.5114/areh.2022.116702.

3. Tymruk-Skoropad K, Muzyka O, Pavlova, I. Measuring health and disability of Ukrainian Cadets – Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the WHODAS 2.0. Physiotherapy Quarterly. 2023;31(4):49–56. doi:10.5114/pq.2023.116343.

4. Музика О, Тимрук-Скоропад К. Актуальність фізичної терапії для запобігання та реабілітації травм і больових синдромів верхніх кінцівок у курсантів вищих військових навчальних закладів. В: Сучасні тенденції у практиці й освіті з фізичної терапії. Тези міжнар. семінару (16–18 верес.). Львів: ЛДУФК імені Івана Боберського; 2021, с. 8.

5. Музика О, Тимрук-Скоропад К. Актуальність фізичної терапії курсантів вищих військових навчальних закладів. В: Молода спортивна наука України. Зб. тез. доп. Львів; 2021;25;3, с. 57–8.

6. Музика О, Тимрук-Скоропад К, Павлова Ю. Переклад та кроскультурне адаптування української версії Whodas 2.0. В: Місце і роль фізичної терапії у сучасній системі охорони здоров’я. Зб. матеріалів ІІ Всеукр. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. Чернівці; 2023, с. 270–2.

7. Muzyka O, Tymruk-Skoropad K, Pavlova I. Psychometric properties and validation of Ukrainian version of the World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0. W: Potrzeby i standardy wspόłszesnej rehabilitacji. XV Jubileuszowe międzynarodowy dni rehabilitacji. Konferencja online; 16–17 Lutego. Rzeszów; 2023, s. 212

8. Tymruk-Skoropad K, Muzyka O, Pavlova I. Measuring health and disability of Ukrainian military cadets – translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the WHODAS 2.0. В: Молода спортивна наука України. Зб. наук. пр. Львів: ЛДУФК імені Івана Боберського; 2022;26;3, с. 56–7.

9. Muzyka O. Relevant issues of prevalence, prevention and physiotherapy of injuries in Cadets. In: 14th International Conference of Young Scientists of the Academic Coordination Centre in the Euroregion Neisse-Nisa-Nysa. 2021.

10. Muzyka OF, Tymruk-Skoropad KA. Znaczenie fizjoterapii dla podchorążych wyższych instytutów wojskowych z zespołami urazowo-bólowymi kończyn górnych. W: Рotrzeby i standardy współczesnej rehabilitacji. XIV międzynarodowych dniach rehabilitacji [Internet]. Рrzeszów; 2022. Available from:,36567


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