Tsivka Y. Substantiation of the interaction of support made of composite materials of preparatory workings with weakly metamorphosed rocks of mines in the Western Donbass

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 184 - Гірництво


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 08.080.055

Dnipro University of Technology


The dissertation is devoted to increasing the stability of the layered massif around the preparatory workings in the weakly metamorphosed rocks of the Western Donbas using arched carbon-fibre support. The stability of a coal mine depends on the stability of mine workings, among which typical metal arch supports are in an inadequate state of operation. An analysis of the Ukrainian coal industry shows that the roof supports require a comprehensive modernisation by using new types of materials that are strong, flexible and lightweight. Given these circumstances, the problem of mine stability is urgent and requires new innovative solutions. In fundamental studies by representatives of foreign and domestic scientific schools, it was established that for the efficient operation of the working faces, it is necessary to reduce the metal consumption of the supports, since new materials will be easier to install and safer for them. In this regard, the main objectives of the dissertation study include: disclosure of the mechanism of interaction between the arched carbon fibre support and the layered massif and establishment of the regularity of stress intensity distribution to establish rational support parameters. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the processes of uneven pressure distribution around the workings make it possible to predict hazardous areas during the cleaning operations. The research has shown that arched metal supports need to be improved by using new types of supports.

Research papers

Шека, І.В & Цівка, Є.С (2021) Обґрунтування вуглепластику як інноваційного матеріалу для кріплення гірничих виробок вугільних шахт. Збірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету. – Вип. 64. – С. 112-121.

Бондаренко, В.І, Ковалевська, І.А, Симанович, Г.А, Цівка, Є.С, & Шека, І.В. (2022) Обґрунтування ефективності використання кріплення з вуглепластику для гірничих виробок на шахтах Західного Донбасу. Збірник наукових праць Національного гірничого університету. –Вип. 68. – С. 30-42.

Tsivka, Y. (2024). Determination of the type of arched carbon-fibre support for the preparatory workings for the conditions of the Dneprovskaya mine in slightlymetamorphosed rocks. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3 (1 (77)). https://journals.uran.ua/tarp/article/view/306879/298806

Bondarenko, V.I, Kovalevska, I.A, Podkopaiev, S.V, Sheka, I.V & Tsivka, Ye.S. (2022). Substantiating arched support made of composite materials (carbon fiber-reinforced plastic) for mine workings in coal mines. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 1049 (2022) 012026.

Kovalevska, I.A, Bondarenko, V.I, Symanovych, Н. А, Sheka, I.V & Tsivka, Ye.S. (2023). Modeling the rational parameters for innovative fastening systems in mine workings using composite materials. 15th ISRM Congress, Salzburg, Austria, October 2023.

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