Zyhar A. Influence of the natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester PSPP on dynamic processes in the environment of its operation.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 106 - Географія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 76.051.049 (ID 6885)

Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University


The thesis makes a theoretical generalisation and proposes a new solution to the scientific and practical task aimed at a comprehensive study of the local natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester PSPP, which is a complex creation that integrates the natural components of river basins and anthropogenic landscapes, within the framework of the field of constructive geography. Particular attention is paid to the transformation processes that result from the interaction of natural and anthropogenic factors. The research covers a detailed analysis of changes in the Dniester River basin, assesses the geo-environmental impact of anthropogenic activities on landscapes and ecosystems, as well as changes in the geological environment and hydrogeological regime in the rock mass. The study is based on the data obtained from the experimental results of field and desk studies, which reflect the actual conditions and circumstances in which the experiments were conducted. The field surveys included comprehensive geodetic measurements using the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS), as well as the use of classical methods of geometric and trigonometric levelling of the geodetic network installed in the area of operation of the hydraulic structure. Additionally, water levels were measured within the regulated channel of the Dniester basin river system and within the artificial landscape and technical system of the upper reservoir of the Dniester PSPP. At the same time, dynamic water levels were measured in hydrological wells. Regular observations were made of river flow within the reservoir. These data are key to understanding such aspects as the sustainability and physical reliability of natural and technical geographical systems (NGGS). The concept of physical reliability refers to the regularities of preserving the properties of the NGGS and their ability to perform the necessary functions in the specified operating modes and conditions of anthropogenic load. The source materials of the desk research were drawings and explanatory notes, existing designs and design solutions, construction sites of the Dniester PSPP and Dniester HPP, geospatial and cartographic data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Google Maps, parametric design software systems Autocad Inventor, SolidWorks, a free cross-platform geographic information system consisting of a desktop and server part: QGIS, in combination with the ArcGIS training version, a programming language and application package for solving technical computing problems such as MATLAB, materials, seismological, hydrological and numerous cartographic materials, including geological reports performed by third-party organisations. One of the main challenges was the processing of a significant amount of data at the hydraulic facility, as the total number of control and measurement equipment (C&ME) at the hydraulic facility exceeds 3000 units, not including filtration C&ME and geodetic C&ME. A significant amount of information, estimated at hundreds of thousands of values over several years, required digitisation of most of the data from paper carriers. In addition, the imperfection of remote sensors significantly affected the processing process, which forced the use of mathematical filtering of information using a high-level general-purpose programming language with dynamic strict typing and automatic memory management, Python, focused on improving performance. Powerful multi-core processors of computer stations were used to process large arrays of numerical data and parametric modelling. Particular emphasis was placed on the use of the finite element method, which provided a numerical method for solving partial differential equations and integral equations arising from the solution of problems for modelling and visualisation of the 3D model of the study results. Changes in the hydrogeological regime before and after the facility commissioning were determined, taking into account the impact of anthropogenic activities on river basin systems. The understanding of the factors affecting the change in the stress-strain state of soils was improved and the quantitative parameters of horizontal displacements were determined. The knowledge of the relationship between water level fluctuations in the landscape-technical system of the reservoir and soil deformation in the context of cyclic loads on the soil base of the Dniester PSPP reservoir was expanded, considering the reservoir as a source of transverse vibrations. The applied significance of the obtained results for the design and operation of the natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester PSPP is formulated.

Research papers

Зигар, А. Вплив природно-технічної геосистеми Дністровської ГАЕС на динамічні процеси у середовищі її функціонування. Часопис соціально-економічної географії. 2023. №34. С. 49-56.

Зигар, А. Дослідження гідрогеологічного режиму природно-технічної геосистеми: На прикладі Дністровської ГАЕС. Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету імені Володимира Гнатюка. Серія: Географія. 2024. Том 56. №1. С. 50–58.

Зигар, А. Практичні аспекти дистанційного зондування землі дослідження причин водопроявів на ґрунтових гідротехнічних спорудах. Науковий вісник Чернівецького університету : Географія. 2024. №847. С. 23–33.

Зигар, А. В. Дослідження градієнта температур води між б’єфами природно-технічної геосистеми Дністровської ГАЕС. Ukrainian Journal of Natural Sciences. 2024 №8. С. 92–100.

Zyhar, A., Savchyn, I., Yushchenko, Y., & Pasichnyk, M. (2021, June 29). Analysis of inclinometric observations and prediction of soils deformations in the area of the Dnister PSPP. GEODYNAMICS. GEODYNAMICS, 1(30)2021(1(30)), 17–24.

Zyhar, A. (2023, June). Application of cross-spectral analysis and fast Fourier transform to detect soil vibrations in the natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester PSPP. GEODYNAMICS, 1(34)2023(1(34)), 19–27.

Zyhar, A., Yushchenko, Y., & Savchyn, I. (2023, June). A study of the influence of water level fluctuations on the geodynamic situation in the natural and technical geosystem of the Dniester HPP and PSPP cascade. GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY, AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY, 97,2023(97), 24–31.

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