Savchuk S. Non-standard forms of employment in Ukraine and foreign countries: comparative and legal aspect.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 2990

Institute of State and Law. V.M. Koretsky National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the study of non-standard forms of employment in Ukraine, with reference to the experience of certain foreign countries. The dissertation defines the theoretical principles of legal regulation of non-standard forms of employment. The Section 1 of the dissertation examines the peculiarities of the emergence and evolution of non-standard forms of employment, analyses the conceptual apparatus in the field of non-standard employment, and offers the classification of non-standard forms of employment. The dissertation features a comparative legal analysis of the emergence and evolution of non-standard employment in Ukraine and foreign countries. It has been established that the accelerated development of the above-mentioned forms of employment in our country began much later than in most Western countries where the application and development of the above-forms of employment boosted starting from the 1970s. This circumstance is due primarily to the socio-political factor as our country had long been part of the USSR and subsequently followed the “transitional” period that fell on the first half of the 1990s. These factors significantly “slowed down” the processes of intensive application and, accordingly, legal regulation of non-standard forms of employment in Ukraine. The stages of the emergence and evolution of non-standard forms of employment in Ukraine include: a) the first stage (second half of the 19th century), caused by the emergence of the labour law and the appearance of certain “standards” in the application of the right to work and, accordingly, exclusions thereof; b) the second stage (the beginning of the 20th century – the 70s of the 20th century), which is characterized by the formation and development of labour legislation and its extension onto relations of “non-standard labour force”; c) the third stage (70s of the 20th century – the end of the 20th century), which is characterized by detailed legal regulation of “classic” non-standard forms of employment (temporary employment (fixed-term employment contracts, short-term and seasonal work), part-time work as well as home work); d) the fourth stage (the beginning of the 21st century – the present time), which is primarily associated with the impact of digital technologies on all walks of life, resulting in the widespread use of the “newest” non-standard forms of employment, in particular telework and work using digital labour platforms. Despite the noticeable dynamics of application in recent years, non-standard forms of employment have not been duly examined in the science of labour law of Ukraine. This primarily applies to the conceptual apparatus, as numerous scientific studies devoted to the problem of non-standard employment offer no single and agreed position regarding this category and its justified definition. Thus, the reader comes across such terms as: “atypical employment”, “non-typical employment”, “alternative forms of employment”, “non-typical forms of employment”, “newest forms of employment”, “flexible forms of employment”, “non-traditional forms of employment”. This necessitates introducing a single unified term that would cover those forms of employment that are qualified in the science of labour law as nonstandard, flexible, atypical or alternative. The “non-standard forms of employment” should be such a term as it semantically better reflects the labour law content. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the dissertation offers a definition of non-standard forms of employment which should be understood as any forms of labour activity of natural persons related to the fulfilment of their personal and social needs aiming to generate income (earn wage), implemented with a deviation from the criteria inherent in standard employment relationship, but, in most cases, with the extension to them of the guarantees provided for by the labour legislation. Nonstandard forms of employment are mostly characterized by: 1) a temporary nature of work and reduced number of working hours; 2) the possibility of performing work outside the workplace or the employer's territory; 3) wide use of digital technologies; 4) possibility to withdraw from the traditional bilateral model of employment relationship. The dissertation features the analysis of scientific works on the classification of non-standard forms of employment in Ukraine and internationally. The dissertation distinguishes the following forms of non-standard employment: 1) temporary employment, which is manifested in fixed-term employment contracts, short-term and seasonal work; 2) part-time work and on-call work (employment contract with non-fixed working hours); 3) multi-party employment relationship; 4) home work and telework; 5) work through the digital labour platforms; 6) disguised employment and dependent self-employment.

Research papers

Савчук С.П. Загальна характеристика становлення та розвитку міжнародного регулювання праці. Соціальне право. № 1/2018. С. 93-101.

Савчук С.П. Виникнення та становлення нестандартних форм зайнятості в Україні. Публічне право. № 4 (36)/2019. С. 81-89.

Савчук С.П. Міжнародно-правове регулювання нестандартних форм зайнятості. Правова держава. Випуск 31. Київ: Ін-т держави і права імені В.М. Корецького НАН України, 2020. С. 522-532.

Савчук С.П. Особливості правового регулювання строкових трудових договорів в окремих європейських країнах. Часопис Київського університету права, 2020/2. С. 286-290.

Савчук С.П. Зарубіжний досвід правового регулювання багатосторонніх трудових правовідносин. Вісник Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка. Юридичні науки. № 4(119)/2021. С. 79-82.

Савчук С. П. Щодо застосування поняття «нестандартні форми зайнятості» в трудовому праві України. Тенденції розвитку науки трудового права та права соціального забезпечення: тези доповідей учасників міжнародної наук.-практ. конф. (м. Київ, 2 квітня 2019 р.). Київ: ФОП Маслаков, 2019. С. 90–93.

Савчук С. П. Правове підґрунтя застосування нестандартних форм зайнятості в Україні. Проблеми реалізації прав громадян у сфері праці та соціального забезпечення: тези доп. та наук. повідомл. учасників IX Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., яка присвячена 50-річчю створення кафедри трудового права Національного юридичного університету ім. Ярослава Мудрого (м. Харків, 11 жовт. 2019 р.). Харків: Право, 2019. С. 452–455.

Савчук С. П. Правова характеристика договорів з нульовою нормою робочого часу у Великобританії. Юридичні гарантії забезпечення прав громадян на працю і соціальний захист: тези доп. та наук. повідомл. учасників Х Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 9 жовт. 2020 р.). Харків: Право, 2020. С. 408–411.

Савчук С. П. Правове регулювання дистанційної та надомної роботи за законодавством окремих зарубіжних країн. Актуальні проблеми захисту прав громадян України на працю та соціальний захист на шляху до Євроінтеграції: тези доп. та наук. повідомл. учасників XII Міжнар. наук.- практ. конф. (м. Харків, 7 жовт. 2022 р.). Харків, 2022. С. 301–306.

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