The author carried out a comprehensive study of the problems of reforming the system of social protection of persons with disabilities in the conditions of social changes, and proposed an innovative model of reforming the system of social protection of persons with disabilities in the conditions of social changes.
Revealing the essence of the state's social responsibility in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities through the content and essence of the state's social policy, it is necessary to focus on certain aspects: first, the state social policy is a set of measures, a set of tools and mechanisms of state-management influence on the provision sector human and citizen needs; secondly, a person with a disability is considered in the social policy system of the state as an independent, separate and often specific segment of consumers of social services and social protection services; thirdly, the state reviews the needs of persons with disabilities and the very idea of the phenomenon of "disability".
The author established that the state assumes the responsibilities of ensuring the social needs of citizens, which are embodied in the constitutional provisions, as well as in the system of relevant state guarantees. These guarantees mean the inadmissibility of reducing the amount of social rights, but people with special needs have certain difficulties with their satisfaction in a traditional way for most people who do not have a disability. The state is obliged to create appropriate prerequisites for persons with special needs to be able to realize the entire set of rights proclaimed by the state, including in such a way that compensates or eliminates their special needs (their disability) at the expense of prerequisites specially created for this by the state or specially removed obstacles for this. Therefore, the state focuses its main emphasis on ensuring social equality in the sense of social justice, when equality does not mean giving preferences to some citizens and the absence of such preferences for others. The special needs of persons with disabilities should not imply the need for the state to provide them with those preferences that will enable them to realize their rights, if their realization is possible due to the elimination of relevant obstacles by the state. Since the needs of persons with disabilities really have an additional nature, the state, in addition to the generally defined minimum standard of social security, must also provide for those additional needs of the analyzed category of persons. In the coordinate system of the state social policy, such provision of additional needs will only strengthen the general vector of social protection.
The work defines the mechanism of state policy in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities and states that the mechanism of state policy in the field of social protection of persons with special needs: in a broad sense, it is a structural phenomenon consisting of mechanisms of the second order (mechanisms of resource, information and analytical , legal, organizational, institutional, functional, motivational) support, the existence of which determines the achievement of state policy goals with the help of appropriate public management means; in a narrow sense, it is a dynamic element, a driver of the system of state policy implementation through a set of means, tools, methods, forms and constructions of public administration, the combination of which occurs situationally depending on the implementation of specific tasks, but is always aimed at the convergence of the goals and practical results of state policy with social expectations regarding the level and quality of meeting the special needs of the specified category of persons.
The mechanism of implementation of state policy is a multi-level unified system consisting of specific management mechanisms. Such a state is due to the fact that each of the subjects of management at any level is a management system and, by its internal composition, is considered as a set of such components. The main components of the mechanism of state policy in the field of social protection of persons with disabilities should include: financial and economic, political, institutional and legal, informational, personnel, motivational.
The author analyzed the legislative provision of social protection of persons with disabilities in Ukraine. It is noted that the system of social payments and benefits is aimed at supporting the financial situation of persons with disabilities, as well as assistance to families that support them. An important aspect is ensuring the accessibility of infrastructure and housing for persons with disabilities, so that they have the opportunity to move freely and live in comfortable conditions.