Sereda K. Diagnosis and treatment of early cervical lesions in women with infertility

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 222 - Медицина

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 206

Shupyk National Healthcare University of Ukraine


Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 22 Health care in the specialty 222 Medicine. - P.L. Shupyk National University of Health Care, Kyiv, 2024. The dissertation is devoted to the issues of diagnosis and treatment of early cervical lesions in patients with infertility by obtaining new data on the peculiarities of cervical immunity and the possibilities of therapeutic influence on them. Infertility in a couple, which is defined as the absence of pregnancy during 12 months of regular active sexual life without contraception, affects 10% to 17% of all couples in the world. The true incidence of infertility is difficult to identify, mainly 11 because of the social orientation of the disease. From 40 to 50% of all cases of infertility in a couple are associated with female factors. The causes of female infertility have various origins. Genetic, endocrine, anatomical, and immunological abnormalities, as well as their combinations, can be the cause of reproductive failure [144]. In 85% of all couples seeking help for infertility, one of the factors or their combination is found. Currently, in the practical field, ovulation disorders (as part of the polycystic ovary syndrome, in particular), fallopian tube patency disorders (as a result of their previous ligation, inflammatory infectious process), and endometriosis are identified as the main female causes of infertility. About 70% of all women with ovulatory dysfunction have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The remaining 15% of couples have no identified cause of infertility (Carson S, Kallen A. 2021). Modern methods of treating infertility include stimulation of ovulation (gonadotropic hormones of various origins, estrogen antagonists), reconstructive operations on fallopian tubes and various types of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). ART is used in the case of unexplained infertility, obstruction of both fallopian tubes, lack of effect from other treatment methods, and in women older than 38 years (Orumaa M. et al, 2019). Early cervical lesions (ECL) can be considered an integral result of disorders of hormonal and immune regulation, as well as vaginal biocenosis, i.e. leading mechanisms of implementation of the fertile function. Cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN) of the I-III degree, as well as the non-invasive stage of cervical cancer, belong to RCU. The frequency of ECL in Europe is at the level of 6-7% (Kurtay S, 2022), in Africa - 12-13% (Kyrgiou M. et al., 2022). 95% of all cases of cervical lesions and cervical cancer are associated with human papillomavirus (HPV) (Stelzle D et al., 2020). The prevalence of infection with it in the world varies between 11-13%, the highest is in Africa (24%), in Europe (21%), in Latin America (16%), depends on young age, numerous sexual partners, hormonal contraception and smoking . It has been calculated that it takes 10 to 20 years for cervical epithelial lesions associated with HPV to turn into cervical cancer in women with a normal 12 immune system, and 5 to 10 years in women with a compromised immune system [81]. The mechanism of HPV's oncogenic action is based on its ability to be incorporated into the cellular genome, that is, to affect the cycle of cell division, while at the same time avoiding the systemic immune response [56]. The treatment of RCU is a controversial issue, with recommendations ranging from a one-year follow-up period in young women with CIN 1 without risk factors to surgical removal of the altered epithelium. Surgical methods are divided into excisional (removal of the cervical segment with altered epithelium) and ablative (destruction of pathologically altered epithelium) [121]. Both methods affect the ability of the cervix to perform the obturation function during pregnancy and the dilatation function during childbirth. Thus, infertility and ECL have a fairly high prevalence in the population, as well as a mutual influence, the research and minimization of which this study is devoted. The purpose of the study is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of early cervical lesions in women with infertility based on the study of mutual pathogenetic influence. Research materials and methods. The study was conducted according to the principle of cohort prospective. Taking into account the formulated goal, the study included patients who applied to the Kyiv City Center of Reproductive Medicine during the years 2019-2023 and did not become pregnant. The criterion for inclusion in the study was the absence of pregnancy in a couple under the condition of regular sexual life without contraception for 1 year.

Research papers

Середа К.В. Патологія цервікального епітелію у жінок з різними формами безпліддя. Репродуктивне здоров’я жінки. 2023; 4(67): 44-49 DOI: Ключові слова: безплідність, вірус папіломи людини, рідинна цитологія, ранні цервікальні ураження

Середа К.В. Стан локального цервікального імунітету у жінок з непліддям. Український журнал здоров’я жінки, 2023; 5 (168): 28-33 DOI: 10.15574/HW.2023.168.28. Ключові слова: непліддя, інтерлейкіни, ранні цервікальні ураження, лактоферин, секреторний інгібітор лейкоцитарної протеїнази

Шалько М. Н., Середа К. В. Ефективність вакцинації в лікуванні ранніх уражень шийки матки у жінок із неплідністю Український журнал здоров’я жінки, 2024; 2(171): 51-56 DOI: 10.15574/HW.2024.171.51 Ключові слова: неплідність, ранні цервікальні ураження, інтерлейкін-6, інтерлейкін-8, секреторний інгібітор лейкоцитарної протеїнази, лактоферин, вакцинація, вірус папіломи людини

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