Fedoreyko I. Preparation of future bachelors in the field of transport at pedagogical institutions of higher education

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7091

Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk


The dissertation research examines the theoretical, methodological, and practical aspects of forming readiness for professional activity among future bachelors studying in the speciality 015.38 "Vocational Education. Transport" at pedagogical higher education institutions. The specificity of the educational environment of pedagogical higher education institutions in preparing future bachelors in the field of transport is clarified, which is characterised by the presence of positive models of professional and pedagogical creativity, the variety of choices in professionally oriented activities; the opportunity for creative self-realisation in various types of professional and pedagogical practice. It has been established that the educational environment of pedagogical higher education institutions possesses a relatively wide range of opportunities, determined by the following: the specificity of the "dual" speciality, the organisational specifics and emotional comfort of the university community; the material and spatial content; the interaction between the student-teacher community, social partners, and employers; the richness of the educational content; the subjective position. A holistic vision of the professional training of future bachelors in the field of transport as vocational education teachers has been formed, the outcome of which is the readiness for professional activity. This readiness manifests in professional motivations, comprehensive and well-founded professional-subject knowledge, experience in solving operational tasks in both production and educational activities and a desire for self-education and self-improvement. The content and structure of the studied readiness have been improved (motivational-value, cognitive-communicative, functional-activity, and personal components), along with the criteria (axiological, substantive, activity-based, reflective), indicators, and levels (high, sufficient, satisfactory, low) of its formation. Pedagogical conditions for preparing future bachelors in the field of transport at pedagogical higher education institutions have been identified and theoretically substantiated (the actualisation of value-meaningful attitudes towards professional activity; intensification of the content of training for transport bachelors based on the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge; organisation of practice-oriented educational activities of future transport bachelors at pedagogical higher education institutions; the creation of a creative educational microsystem for the self-development of transport bachelors and their involvement in creative professional activities). A methodology for their implementation within the teaching of vocational and practical training disciplines has been developed. Based a model for the preparation of future bachelors in the field of transport at pedagogical higher education institutions has been developed, encompassing four blocks: the conceptual-target block (goal, main methodological approaches, and principles of teaching); the structural-content block, which is determined by the curriculum, academic plan, and methodological tools; the procedural-technological block (specific forms and methods of teaching); and the result-diagnostic block (stage-by-stage diagnostics of the formation of readiness for professional activity). A unique methodology for preparing bachelors in the field of transport at pedagogical higher education institutions was developed and implemented during the study of the disciplines "Educational Technologies" (2nd year), "Methodology of Vocational Training" (3rd-4th year), as well as during teaching practice. The methodology was implemented in three stages: the cognitive-reproductive, activity-productive, and reflective-creative. The goal, pedagogical conditions, activity content, and expected results were defined for each stage. The cognitive-reproductive stage was based on using educational material that served as the foundation for forming professionally oriented knowledge and skills in the transport field among students in the experimental groups. The activity-productive stage involved the activities of both teachers and students in mastering the skills of independent quasi-professional and project-based activities. The reflective-creative stage ensured the development of skills in individually solving assigned professional-pedagogical creative tasks, self-expression, and self-realisation of transport students. The effectiveness of the proposed author’s methodology was assessed by determining quantitative and qualitative changes in readiness for professional activity based on a comparative analysis of the results from the initial and final stages of the experiment and by comparing the obtained data with the predicted outcomes. The results of the experimental study showed significant positive outcomes in readiness for professional activity among students in the experimental groups.

Research papers

Федорейко, І. (2022). Реалізація елементів дуального навчання в підготовці майбутніх бакалаврів у галузі транспорту в педагогічних закладах вищої освіти. Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук, 60 (4), 213–218.

Федорейко, І. (2023). Теоретичні підходи щодо визначення змісту та структурних складників професійної компетентності майбутніх бакалаврів у галузі транспорту. Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук, 57 (3), 221–226

Федорейко, І. В., & Горбатюк, Р. М.(2023). Професійно-педагогічна підготовка майбутніх бакалаврів у галузі транспорту в педагогічних закладах вищої освіти в сучасних соціально-економічних умовах. Професійна освіта: методологія, теорія, технології, 18, 210–227.

Федорейко, І. В. (2024).Організація дослідно-експериментальної роботи щодо підготовки майбутніх бакалаврів у галузі транспорту в педагогічних закладах вищої освіти, характеристика її основних етапів та аналіз отриманих результатів. Інноваційна педагогіка, 72, 184–188.

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