The thesis is devoted to the comprehensive criminal and criminological characteristics of criminal offenses against security activities, on the basis of which well-founded proposals and recommendations have been developed for the improvement of the current legislation of Ukraine in the aspect of optimizing the regulatory and legal certainty of criminal legal measures to respond to criminal offenses against security activities and activities, associated with its practical implementation and prevention of committing these offenses again.
The concept of a criminal offense against security activities is proposed there, which should be understood as socially dangerous culpable illegal acts committed exclusively by the subject of security activity (security personnel), in connection with the provision of services for the protection of property and life of citizens or by any person in relation to of such a subject of security activity (security personnel), and may also be committed by any persons, including indirectly by subjects of security activity (security personnel) in connection with the implementation of security activities, or by other persons injured by which can be any person who is the object of security activity, cause significant damage to the object of criminal legal protection or create a threat of its occurrence and lead to the onset of criminal legal consequences in the form of punishment and other means of a criminal legal nature. It has been expressed and substantiated the position to refer to the system of criminal offenses against security activities: 1) basic criminal offenses against security activities (Articles 197, 342, 343, 345, 347, 348, 380, 381, 387 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine); 2) criminal offenses related to security activities, which are conditionally divided into: a) criminal offenses that can be committed by any persons, including indirectly by subjects of security activities (Articles 115, 118, 121, 122, 124, 125, 194, 356, 359, 364, 364- 1, 365, 367, 396 of the CC of Ukraine), b) criminal offenses, the victim of which can be both a person who directly performs security duties and any other person who is the object of security activities ( Articles 112, 206, 346, 352, 355 of the CC of Ukraine).