Brunev M. Features of crop formation and grain quality of soybean and chickpea according to the level of nutrition under the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 201 - Агрономія


Specialized Academic Board


Sumy National Agrarian University


Thesis for a Doctor of Philosophy in agronomy – Specialty 201 – Agronomy. – Sumy National Agrarian University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. – Sumy, 2024. The rationale for choosing the research topic. The main leguminous crops of Ukraine are peas, soybeans, chickpeas, chickpeas, and lentils. Leguminous crops have a high nutritional value (they contain a large number of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, etc.), are capable of providing their own needs, as well as the requirements of the following rotation crops in biological nitrogen and mobilize poorly soluble forms of phosphorus from the soil. Cultivation of legumes doesn’t only make agribusiness efficient but also improves the agrophysical condition of the soil. One of the main biological features of these crops is the ability to form active complexes with soil microorganisms. With their help, a significant amount of nitrogen is bound from the air. This process occurs thanks to nodule bacteria, which, penetrating the root hairs of the seedlings, intensively divide and form nodules. This property is decisive, since other crops are the only consumers of this element, while legumes not only absorb nitrogen from the air but also enrich the soil in an accessible form for the next crop of the crop rotation. This allows reducing nitrogen application rates and, as a result, saves money and reduces the chemical load on the soil and the environment. Therefore, the observations of the metrological network of Ukraine indicate that climate changes, especially the increase in temperature, have already affected several meteorological characteristics. The conditions of the Left Bank ForestSteppe of Ukraine have also undergone such changes. An increase in heat supply during the growing season and a decrease in precipitation was noted, which indicates the formation of conditions typical for the central and southern regions of the country (Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, and Mykolaiv regions). Thus, the shift of heat-demanding crops to the north of our country is obvious. Soybeans and chickpeas belong to such promising crops. At the same time, it is necessary to note the increase in requirements for the collected raw materials. Thus, today it is a priority to obtain balanced grain in terms of the content of valuable amino acids and other compounds. Therefore, the chosen topic is significant and relevant since it has not been studied under the conditions of the Left Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.

Research papers

1. Andriy Melnyk, Yuriy Romanko, Anhelina Dudka, Vika Chervona, Maxim Brunyov, Evhen Sorokolit. Ecological elasticity of soy varieties’ performance according to climatic factors in Ukraine. AgroLife Scientific Journal. Volume 11, No. 2. С. 91–99. DOI:

2. Мельник А. В., Романько Ю. О., Бруньов М. І., Сороколіт Є. М. Кубрак Т. М. Ріст та розвиток нуту в умовах північно-східного Лісостепу України. Вісник Сумського НАУ. № 2 (40). 2020. С. 38–46.

Бруньов М. І., Дудка А. А. Вплив удобрення на вміст білка та його амінокислотний склад у зерні сортів сої різних груп стиглості в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Вісник Сумського НАУ. № 4 (54). 2023. С. 9–14. DOI:

Романько Ю. О., Червона В. О., Червоний Я. М., Бруньов М. І. Шляхи екологізації технології вирощування нуту в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Таврійський науковий вісник. Випуск № 135, Частина 2. 2024. С. 61–72. DOI:

Мельник А. В., Бруньов М. І., Дудка А. А., Романько Ю. О., Червона В. О., Червоний Я.М. Сортові особливості формування якості зерна нуту в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України. Аграрні інновації. Випуск № 23, 2024. С. 123–128. DOI:

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