Tepla T. Substantiation of the parameters of technological schemes for preparation for the development of anthropogenic coal deposits by bioremediation measures

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 184 - Гірництво

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 6

Institute of Geotechnical Mechanics named after MS Polyakova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation is devoted to the substantiation of the technological schemes’ parameters for the anthropogenic coal deposits preparation for their development by using the established dependencies of the anthropogenic coal deposits parameters during their dewatering on the type of biological crops, their density and the geometric dimensions of the planting planting area along the shore. The aim of the work is to establish the dependencies of the processes of dewatering of anthropogenic coal deposits and purification of their liquid phase from fine fractions using bioremediation technology, which will ensure their environmentally safe and efficient extraction and utilization. The scientific significance of the work is the development of mathematical models of liquid filtration processes from an anthropogenic coal deposit in the presence of biotechnogenic impact around the perimeter and on artificial dams built deep into the storage facility from its shores, which allows to calculate the stable position of the water level above a highly concentrated layer of solid particles, depending on the suction capacity, density and distance of green spaces from the water's edge; to improve methods for calculating the parameters of non-pressure movement of liquid with biological cultures floating on a free surface. The practical significance of the work is in the development of recommendations for justifying technological solutions for the dewatering of technogenic coal deposits and preparing them for development in the form of a high-concentration hydro-mixture. The Works also includes the development of mathematical models that allow for determining the rational values ranges for biotechnogenic impact: suction capacity, density, and the distance of green plantings from the water's edge. Additionally, the study develops new methods and technical solutions for preparing technogenic coal deposits for development using bioremediation methods, for which 1 patent has been obtained in Ukraine.

Research papers

Медведева О.А., Киричко С.Н., Кондратюк Т.Д. Лабораторные исследования процесса намыва дамбы хвостохранилища. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвід. зб. наук. праць. ІГТМ НАН України. Дніпропетровськ, 2014. № .118. С. 175–183.

Семененко Е.В., Демченко Т.Д. Учет параметров твердой фазы структурированных суспензий в формулах Освальда-Рейнера и Бингама-Шведова. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвід. зб. наук. праць. ІГТМ НАН України. Дніпропетровськ, 2015. № 123. С. 186–193.

Семененко Е.В., Демченко Т.Д., Рыжова С.А., Исследование динамической седиментационной устойчивости структурированных суспензий под действием турбулентных пульсаций. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвід. зб. наук. праць. ІГТМ НАН України. Дніпропетровськ, 2016. Вип. 130. С. 115–124.

Семененко, Е.В., Скосырев В.Г., Киричко С.Н., Демченко Т.Д. Расчет критических параметров центробежных насосов, перекачивающих гидросмеси высокой концентрации. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвід. зб. наук. праць. ІГТМ НАН України. Дніпро, 2017. Вип. № 137. С. 135–144.

Семененко Е.В., Рыжова С.А., Демченко Т.Д. Определение эффективной вязкости структурированных суспензий в зависимости от конструкции и свойств твердой фазы. Геотехнічна механіка: Міжвід. зб. наук. праць. ІГТМ НАН України. Дніпро, 2017. Вип. 136. С. 13–22.

Семененко Є.В., Тепла Т.Д. Оцінка тривалості процесу фільтрації рідини зі сховища за наявності біотехногенного навантаження навкруги його периметру. Екологічні науки : науково-практичний журнал, Видавничий дім «Гельветика», Київ, 2021. № 3(36), С. 127–130.

Semenenko Ye.V., Tepla T.D, Medianyk V.Yu., Roman S.H., Kozhantov A. Assessingthe dynamic sedimentation stability of structured suspensions made ofpolydisperse material with different density fractions. Geotechnical Mechanics. Dnipro, 2022. Issue. 161, pp. 5–13.

Semenenko Ye.V., Slobodiannykova I.L., Medianyk V.Yu., Kyrychko S.M., Tepla T.D. The technologies for the removal of coal technogenic deposits in the form of highly concentrated hydro mixtures. Geotechnical Mechanics. Dnipro, 2022. Issue. 163. pp. 46–60.

Semenenko Ye.V., Tepla T.D, Medianyk V.Yu., Skosyrev V.H. Determination of the non-deformable core radius of flow in structured suspension pipeline using the theory of stability of lyophobic colloids. Geotechnical Mechanics. Dnipro, 2023. Issue. 165. pp. 84–97.

Semenenko Ye.V.,Slobodiannykova I.L.,Tepla T.D., Tatarko L.H. Determination of the pressure flow parameters of a structured suspension Geotechnical Mechanics. Dnipro, 2023. Issue. 167. pp. 129–141.

Патент 142935 України №u201910678, МПК (2020.01) В09С 1/00, В09С 1/10 (2006.01), C02F 3/32 (2006.01). Спосіб осушення сховища-накопичувача рідких відходів підприємств / А.Ф. Булат, М.С. Терещук, Є.В. Семененко, Т.Д. Демченко, Т.Д. Клокова; Заявл. 28.10.2019; Опубл. 10.07.2020, Бюл. №13.

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