Pavlova M. Development of territorial communities in Ukraine through effective attraction of international investments

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Економіка

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7504

Admiral Makarov National University of Shipbuilding


The dissertation research is devoted to the urgent problem of the development of territorial communities in Ukraine through the effective attraction of international investments. The essence and characteristics of the processes of attracting investments into the activities of territorial communities are considered, the components of the investment climate are determined, the external factors that influence the formation of the climate of territorial communities of Ukraine are indicated, a classification of forms of investment for the development of territorial communities is provided and the advantages and disadvantages of each form are systematized, and a classification of investments in territorial communities is also given. A number of elements that increase the investment attractiveness of territorial communities are outlined, a study of the effectiveness of attracting international investments into the activities of territorial communities of Ukraine was conducted, where the development of territorial communities in Ukraine and the dynamics of international investment in their activities were assessed, the organizational and economic mechanism for attracting and using international investments was highlighted. The organizational and economic mechanism for attracting foreign investments into territorial communities is depicted. The legal regulatory framework for attracting foreign investments into territorial communities in Ukraine is considered. The form of a map for identifying threats to economic activity in the region is depicted, which indicates the causes, conditions, consequences and losses. A model for assessing the effective attraction of international investments for the development of territorial communities in Ukraine was formed. A mechanism for the effective attraction of international investments for the development of territorial communities in Ukraine was also developed. Keywords: territorial communities, international investments, foreign investments, economic security of regions, identification of threats, factors influencing international investments, investment attraction, integral effect, decentralization, organizational and economic mechanism, mechanism for attracting international investments.

Research papers

Павлова М.Д. Розробка механізму ефективного залучення міжнародних інвестицій для розвитку територіальних громад в Україні /Ефективна економіка. – №6, - 2024. URL:

Павлова М.Д. Формування моделі ефективного залучення міжнародних інвестицій для розвитку територіальних громад в Україні /Економіка та суспільство/ № 63, - 2024. URL:

Єфімова G., & Павлова M. Територіальні громади в умовах воєнного стану: економічний резистентність для зміцнення незалежності України /Modeling the development of the economic systems, № 3, - 2023, - C. 177–185. URL:

Pavlova M., Iefimova G. Effectiveness assessment of international investment in the Ukrainian territorial communities’ activities/ Economy of Ukraine: Vol. 67 No. 4(749), 2024 – С. 68-86. URL:

Pavlova M., Iefimova G. Threats and Prospects for Attracting Foreign Investment in the Ukrainian Territorial Communities’ Activities/ The problems of economy №1 (55), 2023 – С.75-85. URL:

Клисяк М.Д., Єфімова Г.В. Систематизація загроз і ризиків економічної безпеки регіону в процесі децентралізації/ Економіка: реалії часу: №6(46), 2019.- С.5-13


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