Kuzina V. Efficiency of malting barley production under transformational changes

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7562

State Biotechnological University


The dissertation work is devoted to generalization of theoretical and methodological bases of efficiency of grain production in Ukraine and development of organizational and economic directions to solve specific problems of the production direction of agricultural enterprises on growing of malting barley. The research analyzes scientific approaches to determining the essence of the interpretation of the concepts of "production efficiency" of grain, considers existing methods and ways to assess it. The peculiarity of the dissertation research is the focus on the quality of grain products, as the main criterion for assessing the economic efficiency of malting barley production. The scientific work details transformations in the structure of agricultural production, their impact on the formation and functioning of the grain market, its situation and organizational and economic relations are detailed. The place of Ukraine on the world barley market and the role of investments in the formation and development of the raw material base of brewing in Ukraine as prerequisites for ensuring a sustainable market of malting barley are determined. The international experience of investment-motivated economic activity in the field of agricultural production has been supplemented. Fundamental research of scientists on the role of natural and anthropogenic factors that form the brewing quality of barley grain is continued and the level of influence of each of them on the efficiency of crop production at all stages of production and marketing activities of agricultural enterprises is determined. Current requirements of modernized malt production of brewing industry in Ukraine to the quality of grain products in comparison with the current national standards are characterized in details. Peculiarities of formation of the structured market of malting barley in Ukraine are analyzed: conditions, ways, principles and advantages compared to previously existing episodic commercial interactions of the market subjects; The mechanism of production and commercial relations between related enterprises of the brewing and agricultural industries is comprehensively studied and their role in the formation of the efficiency of the production direction for the cultivation of malting barley is determined; The specifics of the formation of market prices for malting barley in Ukraine, their influence on the efficiency of barley production and the sustainable development of the production sector were revealed. Due to the lack of any statistical information in the sector of grain production of brewing products at the state and regional levels, an algorithm has been developed to determine the supply of malting barley in the domestic market by the balance and calculation method. The practice of mass production of malting barley is summarized together with the characteristics of resource provisioning of existing technologies and grain quality analytics and, on this basis, recommendations for efficient production and optimization of marketing and logistic strategy in the enterprises are developed; The necessity of introducing an integrated brewery quality management system as one of the basic factors in the structure of measures to increase the economic efficiency of barley production has been explained. We developed a classification of indicators for determining the feasibility of the production sector, taking into account the specifics of current market conditions, which can serve for the agrarian sector as a method of consolidated assessment of investment attractiveness of malting barley production by means of rational combination of resources, comparative analysis of existing technologies and basic economic indicators in strict correlation with indicators of quality of grain products according to the requirements of the purpose designation

Research papers

1. В.Ю. Кузіна, Трансформація солодової галузі України на шляху інтеграції до європейського економічного простору. Економіка та держава № 2/2020. С. 127 -130.

.Ю. Кузіна, Сорт — найрезультативніший засіб підвищення ефективності виробництва пивоварного ячменю. Агросвіт. № 15, 2020. С. 60-66.

3. Кузіна В.Ю. Місце України на світовому ринку ячменю. Причорноморські економічні студії. Випуск 55-1. 2020. С.12-20

4. Кузіна В.Ю. Вплив погодних факторів на ефективність виробництва пивоварного ячменю. Галицький економічний вісник. Випуск 6 (67).2020. С.7-18

5. Ульянченко О.В., Кузіна В.Ю. Управління пивоварною якістю ячменю в Україні: досвід світових компаній. Вісник ХНАУ ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія «Економічні науки». № 2 2020. С. 33-45.

6. Кузіна В.Ю. Якість як ключовий показник ефективності виробництва ячменю пивоварного призначення. / Економіка АПК. - 2020. - № 12. С. 103 -111.

7. Кузіна В.Ю. Технологія ефективного виробництва ячменю пивоварного призначення. Інноваційна економіка. № 1-2 (2021) [86]. С. 94 -101/

8. В. Кузіна, Трансформації на ринку зерна ячменю. Вісник аграрної науки. 2021, № 6 (819). С. 81-86

9. Viktoriia Kuzina. Investment and innovation components of formation of the malt industry in Ukraine. European journal of economics and management. Volume 6 Issue 4 2020. С. 77 -82.

10. Mariia V. Dykha, Viktoriia Kuzina, Kostyantyn Serdyukov (2021).Grain pricing in Ukraine: A case study of malted barley. Innovative Marketing. 17(4), 26-36. doi:10.21511/im.17(4).2021.03


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