Demydenko V. Simulation model of a gun shot and methods of verification of its life cycle in a computer-integrated control system

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 151 - Автоматизація та комп’ютерно-інтегровані технології


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 7375

Odesa Polytechnic National University


The work is devoted to increasing efficiency and reducing combat work time of the CICS by practical gun firing in the event of various disturbances due to improvement of simulation model of the shot and methods of verification of links of the life cycle states chain of each artillery shot, which form feedback. The following results were obtained in the first chapter "Information localization and verification of artillery gun firing states". – An analysis of methods and approaches of verification of links of the chain of states "charge - charging chamber - barrel - projectile trajectory - target" of the separate artillery shot life cycle was carried out. – It is shown that in order to verify the chain of states of individual artillery shot life cycle for the "charge" link, it is necessary to develop a method and model for verifying the pyrotechnic mixture composition of the charge; for the "projectile trajectory" link, it is necessary to find the minimum time limit, on the basis of which to develop models of combat operation of individual self-propelled artillery systems; for the "projectile trajectory" and "target" links, develop a model and method for finding a given number of meters among the existing set along the firing line. – The research structure is substantiated and the task is set, which consists in increasing performance efficiency of tasks during practical shooting with a cannon. In the second chapter "Methods for verifying the composition and energy characteristics of a pyrotechnic mixture using the library method", methods of increasing firing efficiency were developed and investigated based on the improvement of the model of equilibrium thermal destruction of nitrocellulose gunpowder based on the temperature of the mixture of inert and powder gases in a fixed volume tank. The following results were obtained. – The impossibility of describing the soot formation phenomenon using existing internal ballistics models was determined. – A modified simulation model of equilibrium thermal destruction of a powder mixture is proposed. – A model for determining the temperature of a mixture of inert and powder gases in a fixed volume tank is developed. – A method of filling the library with solutions of a direct problem in form of a three-dimensional array is proposed. – Verification and validation of method of calculating the composition of powder gases for filling the library was carried out. In the third chapter "Improved model and method of automated control of the combat work of an artillery unit" trailers and separate self-propelled artillery systems during shot verification were considered. The following results were obtained. – A stochastic simulation model of the combat operation of towed artillery installations was developed. – Simulation was carried out under the conditions of changing firing positions of towed artillery installations. Algorithms to determine optimal strategies for changing firing positions was developed. – Models of the combat work of a separate self-propelled artillery system of a new generation were developed. For this, a technique of dynamic assessment of current state of combat capability of a separate self-propelled artillery system was developed. A tree of individual combat capability states was developed and the level of dependence on the number of shots of a self-propelled artillery system necessary to hit a high-danger target during a given time interval was revealed. – The shot simulation model and the method of effective control of combat states of a towed artillery gun in the presence of external dynamic disturbances were improved. In the fourth chapter "The method of determining three acoustic sensors for recording the ballistic wave of an artillery shot" to ensure the most effective registration of ballistic and muzzle waves during the construction of a shot verification system, the following results were obtained. – A generalized sensor system structure was developed. – The method of determining three acoustic sensors for the most effective registration of ballistic and muzzle waves of an artillery shot was developed and researched. – For the acoustic sensors assessment in presented method, a fuzzy logical model was developed and researched. – To investigate the effectiveness of proposed method and fuzzy logic model, computational experiments were conducted. For the first time, a method of finding three meters among the existing set located along the firing line was proposed for the most effective artillery shot tracking, which made it possible to verify the link of the meeting point of the projectile with the surface in the life cycle states chain of artillery shot based on parabolic approximation of the characteristics of the trajectory along which the projectile moves, which provided a computer-integrated gun control system with a sensor system to compensate for random disturbances acting on the projectile during a shot.

Research papers

Brunetkin, O., Maksymov, M., Dobrynin, Y., Demydenko, V., Sidelnykov, O. Development of a process model for determining the composition and energy characteristics of a pyrotechnic mixture using the library method. EUREKA: Physics and Engineering. 2024. №5, P.99-112. Indexed in SCOPUS,

Boltenkov V, Brunetkin O, Maksymova O, Kuzmenko V, Gultsov P, Demydenko V., Soloviova O. Devising a method for improving the efficiency of artillery shooting based on the Markov model. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2021. Vol 6. № 3 (114). P. 6-7. Indexed in SCOPUS,

Brunetkin O., Beglov K., Brunetkin V. Maksymov О., Maksymova O., Havaliukh O., Demydenko V. Construction of a method for representing an approximation model of an object as a set of linear differential models. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. 2020. Vol 6 №2(108). P. 66–73. Indexed in SCOPUS, DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2020.220326

Демиденко В.Е., Реценко С.С., Максимов М.М. Метод визначення трьох акустичних сенсорів для реєстрації балістичної хвилі артилерійського пострілу. Електротехнічні та комп’ютерні системи. 2024. №41(117). с.43- 52.

Бутенко О.В., Максимов М.В., Демиденко В.Е., Брунеткін О.І. Метод пошуку розв’язання складної задачі інтерпретації для розв’язання зворотної задачі з визначення складу пального. Суднові енергетичні установки. Науково-технічний збірник. Одеса. 2019. №39. С. 30–42.

Максимов М. В., Демиденко В. Е., Бутенко О. В., Брунеткін О. І. Модель піролізу органічних речовин змінного складу. Інтегровані технології та енергозбереження. 2020. №3. С. 12-24. DOI: 10.20998/2078-5364.2020.3.02

Demydenko V.E., Maksymov M.V.., Boltenkov V.O. Сombat operations model of a single self-propelled artillery system for the computer game ARMA 3. Applied Aspects of Information Technology. 2024. Vol. 7, No. 3: 207–218. DOI:

Maksymov O., Toshev O., Demydenko V., & Maksymov M. Simulation modeling of artillery operations in computer games: approach based on Markov processes. Technology Audit and Production Reserves. 2024. №5/2(79). P. 23-28.

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