Systemic analysis of the structure of the greater omentum of white rats in normal conditions and during experimental modeling of peritonitis.
The aim of the study was: to find out the nature of differences in the structural changes of the greater omentum of white rats depending on the aseptic and septic factors of the development of peritonitis in the experiment.
The dissertation presents a theoretical generalization of the results of a new solution to the scientific task, which consists of the systematic study of the structure of the greater omentum of white rats and the nature of its participation in the mechanisms of implementing the reactions of the immune system in response to local antigenic and pathogenic factors.
The study obtained new data and clarified the existing knowledge about the current ideas about the structure of the greater omentum of white rats using in the work a systematic approach of morphological analysis, which allowed to present the greater omentum of white male rats in a complete form, determining its shape, component tissue structures, as well as the main metric parameters, with the help of which the following results of experimental studies were obtained:
It has been expanded and supplemented the scientific concepts about the morpho-functional interpretation of the main structural components of the greater omentum, which we called vascular-fatty arcades, with which lymphoid nodules, which are called milky spots in the literature, are associated.
For the first time we confer, a comprehensive description of other parts of the greater omentum, which we called serous-reticulate membranes, as they connect vascular-fatty arcades.
It has been established that the looped strands of the serous-reticular membranes contain contractile elements, with the help of which the greater omentum has the ability to actively change its shape and position in the peritoneal cavity in response to antigenic stimuli and damage to the organs.
The most interesting innovation of the research was that in the process of experimental modeling of aseptic and septic peritonitis in male white rats, two other derivatives of the visceral peritoneum were discovered, which, as it turned out in the process of additional morphological study, are similar to the structure of the greater omentum. Since they start from the epididymis, we have called them epididymal omenta.
For the first time, special attention was paid to the fact that the epididymal omenta together with the greater omentum are involved in the adhesion of the catgut implant (the causative agent of aseptic peritonitis) and in the tamponade of the perforated cecum, that is, in the initial factor of the development of septic peritonitis. Only in that and another case, these three omenta are involved in different partial ratios among themselves.
For the first time in the practice of experimental modeling of aseptic peritonitis, was used implantation into the peritoneal cavity of animals of relatively large portions of xenogenic substrate - bundles of catgut thread, which is used as a suture material during intracavitary operations, which enable to observe its destructive changes in the process of rejection in detail.
It has been proven that the expression "dissolving" of suture material available in the literature is fundamentally incorrect, since this process is a consequence of the active action of the local immune system on a foreign substrate that is subject to gradual elimination from the body, marking the smoldering course of the inflammatory process in the peritoneal cavity.
Key words: greater omentum, stomach, duodenum, cecum, mucous membrane, serous membrane, peritoneum, testis, peritonitis, aseptic inflammation, lymphoid nodules, lymph node, lymphocytes, milky spots, adipocyte.