Developing of physiological basis for improving the productivity of high-quality crops is one of high-priority problems of modern biology and agriculture. The essential factor that regulates physiological processes and this influences the productivity of plants are fertilizers. The use of mineral nitrogen fertilizers helps to increase the yield, however, the cost price of vegetables grows as well and their qualitative composition deteriorates. An alternative is organo-mineral fertilizers, the use of which in plant growing technologies is an integral part of organic farming. In Ukraine and many countries of the world, new types of organo-mineral fertilizers are being developed, the efficiency of which is higher compared to traditional ones.
Edible tomato is one of the most widespread vegetable crops in terms of cultivation area and importance in the human diet. Therefore, in the thesis, we used preparations of organic origin based on humic acids to regulate physiological processes in order to increase the productivity of L. esculentum.
The preparation of organic origin recultivant composite Trevitan® (RCT) was developed for rapid regeneration of the soil aiming to improve its fertility, processing seeds and planting material in order to realize the genetic potential, accelerate the growth and develop various agricultural crops and, accordingly, their productivity. Its effectiveness was studied in laboratory, vegetative and field conditions.
RСT is registered in the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Ukraine and in Canada. The composition of the preparation includes organic substances, the mass fraction of which is 55.0-75.0%, the share of humic organic substances is 2.0-7.0% of the dry substance of the preparation, the extract of fulvic substances is 0.8-3.0%. The composition of the preparation contains 0.1-0.7% of total Nitrogen (N), 0.01-0.5% of Phosphorus (P2O5), 0.2-0.9% of Potassium (K2O). The mass fraction of water-soluble salts (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Co) is 0.3-1.0%, the dry residue is 1.0-2.5%. The preparation has an alkaline environment, the pH of the solution is 8.0-10.9%. The technology of its use in the cultivation of edible tomatoes has also been developed, according to which, in autumn, before plowing, the soil of the areas of the RCT experimental variant was treated for rapid soil regeneration (1 liter of the preparation per 200 liters of water per 1 ha). Before sowing in the cassettes, the seeds of the experiment were soaked in 1% RCT solution for treating seeds and planting material for 5-10 minutes. After planting the seedlings in the open ground, 5 days later, foliar feeding of experimental plants with RCT was carried out six times to accelerate the growth and for development of plants. They were treated with 7-14 days’ interval (0.5 l of the preparation for 200 l of water per 1 ha) using an OP-2 knapsack sprayer. The seeds and plants of the control variant, similarly to the experimental ones, were treated with tap water.