Scientific novelty lies in formulating a national definition of the concept of “urban agrosystems” that takes into account the specific socio-economic conditions of Ukraine, including the need to restore urban infrastructure and ensure food security. The author has developed a national typology of urban agrosystems, which systematically considers their economic potential, social and environmental functions, and the particular features of the urban environment. The proposed typology allows for adapting international experience to Ukrainian realities and facilitates the integration of agrosystems into spatial planning.
For community organizations, the methodology serves as a basis for analyzing the impact of urban agrosystems on social cohesion, support for vulnerable population groups, and the enhancement of environmental awareness. It allows for an assessment of socio-economic efficiency by examining the influence of agrosystems on human capital formation, expanding employment opportunities, increasing social mobility, and ensuring economic inclusion. The methodology supports the rational allocation of financial resources for educational programs, the development of socially oriented initiatives, and the promotion of social entrepreneurship. This creates prerequisites for improving social well-being, increasing the multiplier effect of social investments, and developing sustainable mechanisms for financing social and environmental projects.
The results obtained contribute to the expansion of economic knowledge in the field of urban agrosystems, provide a scientific basis for the development of strategies for their introduction and growth, and lay the groundwork for integrating environmental and social components into sustainable economic development strategies for urban communities in Ukraine.
Keywords: circular economy, “green” economy, economic efficiency, economic impact, investment, entrepreneurship, socio-economic resilience, employment, sustainable development, food security, urban farming, urban development, post-war recovery, agricultural activity, ecosystem services.