Андрійчук О. І. Тестове оцінювання навчальних досягнень старшокласників з історії.

English version

Дисертація на здобуття ступеня кандидата наук

Державний реєстраційний номер




  • 13.00.02 - Теорія і методика навчання (з галузей знань)


Спеціалізована вчена рада

K 26 452 03


For the first time, as a separate didactic phenomenon, a test has been conducted to assess the educational achievements of senior pupils at Ukrainian history lessons; the matrix of the test has been designed for assessing the level of development of components of historical competence; the methodical conditions for the effective implementation of the test evaluation of senior pupils on the history of Ukraine have been substantiated, in particular: preparation of teachers for the creation and use of test tasks for assessing students, psychological and cognitive readiness of senior pupils for participation in the test evaluation, systematic application of the test evaluation of academic achievements of students after each topic or section of the course ; the test method for evaluating the educational achievements of 10-11th -grade students in Ukrainian history lessons has been developed and experimentally tested. Key words: test, test evaluation, matrix of test content, components of historical competence.


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