Маркова А. О. Міжвидові відносини та поведінкові особливості лісових птахів на місцях водопою

English version

Дисертація на здобуття ступеня кандидата наук

Державний реєстраційний номер




  • 03.00.08 - Зоологія


Спеціалізована вчена рада

Д 26.153.01

Інститут зоології ім. І. І. Шмальгаузена


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the forest bird’s behavior in the Forest-Steppe zone of Ukraine. In the study, the agonistic interactions of forest birds on watering places are investigated in complex for the first time in Ukraine considering dynamics of arrival to watering place during the day, involvement into behavioral acts, number and species composition of the birds that present nearby. There are two peaks of the arrival to the watering places in the forests: first peak in the morning (from 6:00 till 9:00) and second one during the daytime (15:00). Therefore, the morning peak is more pronounced. It is shown that increasing of abundance of the birds that present nearby on the watering places correlate increase in the number of aggression cases and that dynamics of activity in arrival correlate the most with bathing, but not with drinking. The display of aggression isn’t relating to the water resources, but to the species interactions. There are three types of the forest birds’ species-aggressors response to the interspecific agonistic interactions: first type – species that responding to aggression they facing in equal proportion to it; second type – species that displaying aggression to a large number of other species, but few of these species are aggressive in response to them; third type – species that faces aggression from other species of birds, but almost not responding with aggressive attacks.


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