Іванов С. В. Адміністративно-правовий механізм реалізації державної митної політики в Україні

English version

Дисертація на здобуття ступеня доктора наук

Державний реєстраційний номер




  • 12.00.07 - Адміністративне право і процес; фінансове право; інформаційне право


Спеціалізована вчена рада

Д 64.700.01

Харківський національний університет внутрішніх справ


The dissertation is focused on the analysis of administrative and legal mechanism of the implementation of the state customs policy in Ukraine. The essence of the state customs policy as the object of administrative and legal regulation has been defined in the work. The author has characterized the objective, tasks and principles of the state customs policy in Ukraine. The areas of the implementation of the state customs policy in Ukraine have been generalized. The structure of administrative and legal mechanism of the implementation of the state customs policy in Ukraine has been considered. The current state of legal provision of the implementation of the state customs policy in Ukraine has been determined; and the place of administrative and legal regulation has been clarified.


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