SHKRYL, V. M. 2022. The spatio-temporal properties of calcium transients in hippocampal pyramidal neurons in vitro. Front Cell Neurosci, 16, 1054950.
SHKRYL, V. M. 2020. Error correction due to background subtraction in ratiometric calcium measurements with CCD camera. Heliyon, 6, e04180.
FIGUEROA, L., SHKRYL, V. M., BLATTER, L. A. & RÍOS, E. 2013. Using two dyes with the same fluorophore to monitor cellular calcium concentration in an extended range. PLoS One, 8, e55778.
SHKRYL, V. M. & BLATTER, L. A. 2013. Ca(2+) release events in cardiac myocytes up close: insights from fast confocal imaging. PLoS One, 8, e61525.
SHKRYL, V. M., BLATTER, L. A. & RÍOS, E. 2012. Properties of Ca2+ sparks revealed by four-dimensional confocal imaging of cardiac muscle. J Gen Physiol, 139, 189-207.
SHKRYL, V. M., MAXWELL, J. T., DOMEIER, T. L. & BLATTER, L. A. 2012. Refractoriness of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release determines Ca2+ alternans in atrial myocytes. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol, 302, H2310-20.
SHKRYL, V. M., MAXWELL, J. T. & BLATTER, L. A. 2012. A novel method for spatially complex diffraction-limited photoactivation and photobleaching in living cells. J Physiol, 590, 1093-100.
FIGUEROA, L., SHKRYL, V. M., ZHOU, J., MANNO, C., MOMOTAKE, A., BRUM, G., BLATTER, L. A., ELLIS-DAVIES, G. C. & RÍOS, E. 2012. Synthetic localized calcium transients directly probe signalling mechanisms in skeletal muscle. J Physiol, 590, 1389-411.
SHKRYL, V. M., MARTINS, A. S., ULLRICH, N. D., NOWYCKY, M. C., NIGGLI, E. & SHIROKOVA, N. 2009. Reciprocal amplification of ROS and Ca(2+) signals in stressed mdx dystrophic skeletal muscle fibers. Pflugers Arch, 458, 915-28.
MARTINS, A. S. *, SHKRYL, V. M. *, NOWYCKY, M. C. & SHIROKOVA, N. 2008. Reactive oxygen species contribute to Ca2+ signals produced by osmotic stress in mouse skeletal muscle fibres. J Physiol, 586, 197-210. (*перший автор)
SHKRYL, V. M. & SHIROKOVA, N. 2006. Transfer and tunneling of Ca2+ from sarcoplasmic reticulum to mitochondria in skeletal muscle. J Biol Chem, 281, 1547-54.
ISAEVA, E. V.*, SHKRYL, V. M.* & SHIROKOVA, N. 2005. Mitochondrial redox state and Ca2+ sparks in permeabilized mammalian skeletal muscle. J Physiol, 565, 855-72. (* перший автор)
SHKRYL, V. M. 2017. Intracellular Calcium Fluxes in Excitable Cells. Neurophysiology, 49, 384-392.
SHKRYL, V.M. 2017. Основні принципи конфокальної мікроскопії кальцієвих сигналів. Біофізичний вісник, 2(38), 20-34. doi: 10.26565/2075-3810-2017-38-03.
SHKRYL V.M., BLATTER L.A. 2020. Ca signaling during excitation-contraction coupling in cardiac myocytes. In: «Neurophysiological Essays of Platon Kostyuk and his Students» (Eds. Krishtal O.A., Lukyanetz E.A.). Akademperiodyka, Kyiv, p. 237-243.
ROZUMNA, N. M., SHKRYL, V. M., GANZHA, V. V. & LUKYANETZ, E. A. 2021. Effects of Modeling of Hypercalcemia and β-Amyloid on Cultured Hippocampal Neurons of Rats. Neurophysiology (Ukraine), 52, 348-357.
SHKRYL, V. M., GANZHA, V. V. & LUKYANETZ, E. A. 2021. Effect of memantine on calcium signaling in hippocampal neurons cultured with β-amyloid. Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal, 67, 1-8.
SHKRYL, V. M., TURYTSKA, T. G., YAVORSKY, V. A., LYASHENKO, V. P., LUKASHOV, S. M. & LUKYANETZ, E. A. 2021. Effect of caffeine and coffee diets on calcium signalling in rat hippocampal neurons. Fiziologichnyi Zhurnal, 67, 37-43.