Старушенко Г. А. Асимптотичні методи та моделі в механіці композитних матеріалів

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  • 05.23.17 - Будівельна механіка


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Д 08.085.02

Державний вищий навчальний заклад "Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури"


Побудовані й обґрунтовані на фізичному рівні асимптотичні моделі для аналізу макроскопічних властивостей композитних матеріалів різної структури, розроблено строгий математичний апарат їх опису, знайдені аналітичні розв’язки задач в області граничних значень фізичних і геометричних параметрів композитів. Надана асимптотична і чисельна оцінка точності й області застосовності побудованих моделей, проведено якісний та кількісний аналіз достовірності результатів. Представлено фізичну інтерпретацію, математичний опис та класифікацію моделей двофазних волокнистих композитів за умовами контакту «матриця – включення». Проаналізовано поняття фізичної еквівалентності композитних структур. Досліджено моделі континуальної апроксимації дискретних систем. Доведено наявність хаосу в неперервній моделі.


1. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Danishevs’kyy V. V., Tokarzewski S. Homogenization procedure and Padé approximants for effective heat conductivity of composite materials with cylindrical inclusions having square cross-section. The Royal Society Proceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 1999. Vol. 455. Is. 1989. P. 3401–3413.

2. Pilipchuk V. N., Volkova S. A., Starushenko G. A. Study of a non-linear oscillator under parametric impulsive excitation using a non-smooth temporal transformation. Journal of Sound and Vibration. 1999. Vol. 222. Is. 2. P. 307–328.

3. Starushenko G., Krulik N., Tokarzewski S. Employment of non-symmetrical saw-tooth argument transformation method in the elasticity theory for layered composites. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2002. Vol. 45. Is. 14. P. 3055–3060.

4. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Weicher D. Numerical investigation of 1D continuum dynamical models of discrete chain. ZAMM – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2012. Vol. 92. Is. 11–12. P. 945–954.

5. Andrianov I. V., Kalamkarov A. L., Starushenko G. A. Three-phase model for a fiber-reinforced composite material. Composite Structures. 2013. Vol. 95. P. 95–104.

6. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A. Application of an improved three-phase model to calculate effective characteristics for a composite with cylindrical inclusions. Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures. 2013. Vol. 10. No. 1. P. 197–222.

7. Andrianov I. V., Kalamkarov A. L., Starushenko G. A. Analytical expressions for effective thermal conductivity of composite materials with inclusions of square cross-section. Composites: Part B. 2013. Vol. 50. P. 44–53.

8. Kalamkarov A. L., Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A. Three-phase model for a composite material with cylindrical circular inclusions. Part I: Application of the boundary shape perturbation method. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2014. Vol. 78. P. 154–177.

9. Kalamkarov A. L., Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A. Three-phase model for a composite material with cylindrical circular inclusions. Part II: Application of Padé approximants. International Journal of Engineering Science. 2014. Vol. 78. P. 178–191.

10. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A. Asymptotic analysis of the Maxwell Garnett formula using the two-phase composite model. International Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2015. Vol. 7. No. 02. P. 1550025-1–1550025-27.

11. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Markert B., Starushenko G. A. Analytical homogenization for dynamic analysis of composite membranes with circular inclusions in hexagonal lattice structures. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics. 2017. Vol. 17. Is. 5. P. 1740015-1–1740015-14.

12. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A. Asymptotic models and transport properties of densely packed, high-contrast fibre composites. Part I: Square lattice of circular inclusions. Composite Structures. 2017. Vol. 179. P. 617–627.

13. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A. Asymptotic models for transport properties of densely packed, high-contrast fibre composites. Part II: Square lattices of rhombic inclusions and hexagonal lattices of circular inclusions. Composite Structures. 2017. Vol. 180. P. 351–359.

14. Andrianov I., Starushenko G., Kvitka S., Khajiyeva L. The Verhulst-like equations: integrable OΔE and ODE with chaotic behavior. Symmetry. 2019. Vol. 11. Is. 12. P. 1446.

15. Andrianov I. I., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A., Gabrinets V. A. Refinement of the Maxwell formula for composite reinforced by circular cross-section fibers. Part I: using the Schwarz alternating method. Acta Mechanica. 2020. Vol. 231. Is. 12. P. 4971–4990.

16. Andrianov I. I., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A., Gabrinets V. A. Refinement of the Maxwell formula for composite reinforced by circular cross-section fibers. Part II: using Padé approximants. Acta Mechanica. 2020. Vol. 231. Is. 12. P. 5145–5157.

17. Andrianov I., Koblik S., Starushenko G. Transition from discrete to continuous media: the impact of symmetry changes on asymptotic behavior of waves. Symmetry. 2021. Vol. 13. Is. 6. P. 1008.

18. Andrianov I. I., Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Borodin E. I. Higher order asymptotic homogenization for dynamical problems. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids. 2022. Vol. 27. Is. 9. P. 1672–1687.

19. Andrianov I. V., Koblik S. G., Starushenko G. A., Kudaibergenov A. K. On aspects of gradient elasticity: Green’s functions and concentrated forces. Symmetry. 2022. Vol. 14. Is. 2. P. 188.

20. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A. Non-stationary heat transfer in composite membrane with circular inclusions in hexagonal lattice structures. Acta Mechanica. 2022. Vol. 233. Is. 4. P. 1339–1350.

21. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A., Kvitka S. A. Effective heat conductivity of a composite with hexagonal lattice of perfectly conducting circular inclusions: An analytical solution. ZAMM – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2022. Vol. 102. Is. 11. P. e202200216.

22. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Starushenko G. A. Approximate models of mechanics of composites: An asymptotic approach : monograph. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023. 367 p.

23. Старушенко Г. А. Асимптотические методы и модели в теории композитных материалов : монография. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2021. 696 c.

24. Pilipchuk V. N., Starushenko G. A. A version of non-smooth transformations for one-dimensional elastic systems with a periodic structure. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 1997. Vol. 61. Is. 2. P. 265–274.

25. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Tokarzewski S. Homogenization procedure and Padé approximations in the theory of composite materials with parallelepiped inclusions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 1998. Vol. 41. Is. 1. P. 175–181.

26. Starushenko G., Krulik N. Saw-tooth argument transformation method in the theory of composite materials // Progress and Trends in Rheology V : Proceedings of the Fifth European Rheology Conference (Portorož, September 6-11, 1998) / ed. I. Emri. Heidelberg, 1998. P. 120–121.

27. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Danishevskyy V. V. Asymptotic determination of the effective thermal conductivity of a pile field. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1999. Vol. 36. Is. 1. P. 31–36.

28. Tokarzewski S., Andrianov I., Danishevsky V., Starushenko G. Analytical continuation of asymptotic expansions of effective transport coefficients by Pade approximants. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2001. Vol. 47. Is. 4. P. 2283–2292.

29. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Weichert D. Asymptotic analysis of thin interface in composite materials with coated boundary. Technische Mechanik. 2011. Vol. 31. No. 1. P. 33–41.

30. Gluzman S., Mityushev V., Nawalaniec W., Starushenko G. Effective conductivity and critical properties of a hexagonal array of superconducting cylinders // Contributions in Mathematics and Engineering. In Honor of Constantin Carathéodory / eds. P. M. Pardalos, T. M. Rassias. Switzerland : Springer International Publishing, 2016. P. 255–297.

31. Kalamkarov A. L., Andrianov I. V., Pacheco P. M. C. L., Savi M. A., Starushenko G. A. Asymptotic analysis of fiber-reinforced composites of hexagonal structure. Journal of Multiscale Modelling. 2016. Vol. 07. No. 03. P. 1650006-1–1650006-32.

32. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Gabrinets V. A. Percolation threshold for elastic problems: self-consistent approach and Padé approximants // Advances in mechanics of microstructured media and structures / eds. F. dell’Isola, V. Eremeyev, A. V. Porubov. Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature, 2018. Vol. 87. P. 35–42.

33. Kalamkarov A., Andrianov I., Starushenko G. Refinement of the Maxwell formula for fiber-reinforced composites. Journal of Multiscale Modelling. 2020. Vol. 11. No. 01. P. 1950001-1–1950001-33.

34. Andrianov I. V., Starushenko G. A., Kvitka S. A. Calculation of effective characteristics of a 2D composite with rhombic voids using an inhomogeneous cell model. Symmetry. 2023. Vol. 15. Is. 3. P. 646.

35. Andrianov I. V., Awrejcewicz J., Koblik S. G., Starushenko G. A. Nonlinear oscillation of a microbeam due to an electric actuation – comparison of approximate models. ZAMM – Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2023. Vol. 104. Is. 2. P. e202300091.

36. Andrianov I. V., Koblik S. G., Starushenko G. A. Investigation of electrically actuated geometrically nonlinear clamped circular nanoplate. Acta Mechanica. 2024. Vol. 235. Is. 2. P. 1015–1026.

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