Fedchuk I. Application of the physical factors in an aftertreatment of children, patients on a chronic virus hepatitis.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.33 - Курортологія та фізіотерапія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 41.608.01


In conditions of specialized gastroenterology department of children's clinic N2 of Odessa the inspection 102 children, patients by a chronic virus hepatitis is carried out. The found out features of clinical current of disease at chidren, function condition of liver, biochemical and immunological indexs, their dynamics during an exacerbation of disease and reduction treatment.On the basis of the basis pathogenetic mehanisms the methods of a complex early aftertreatment at a stationary stage with application of the physical factors (vacuum-ultraphonophoresis of peloidinum on the right hypochondrium, low intensity helium a neon laser irradition of a projection of liver and transcutaneonus of a blood), and medical agents are offered.They cause the expressed positive effect of clinical current and revertive development of the basis displays of disease both normalization of biochemical and immunological indexs, which result in reduction of time stay of the patients in a hospital, elongation of the period o f a remission, decrease of quantity of exacerbations within one year.

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