Riznychenko O. The initial forms of migraine with young people.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 14.01.15 - Нервові хвороби


Specialized Academic Board



In dissertation the clinical features of migrainic paroxysm course and interattack period are revealed on the grounds of complex clinical - biochemical and instrumental examination. The objectification has been made by means of study of vegetative nervous system functional state, state of vasoactive (substances) metabolism (biogenic monoamines and calicrein-cinin MNS system) in air interattack period. The peculiarities of cerebral dyscirculation forming are shown while having initial forms of migraine with patients of the given group in the period mentioned. The interdependence between hemodynamic breach nature and clinical variant of migraine with and without aura is revealed. The functional state of the brain is studied with the given category of people. The analysis of the obtained results made it possible to extended the conception about migraine pathogenesis, to size up the features of different clinical variants of migraine with and without aura course at the very start of disease with young peop le, to reveal the character of biochemical and hemodynamic breaches in an interattack period that gives a chance to diagnose in time and to approach the pathogenic therapy of patient substantially.

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