Nazarov V. Emergence of criminal and legal conflicts and ways of their elimination at the stage of preliminary investigation.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 12.00.09 - Кримінальний процес та криміналістика; судова експертиза; оперативно-розшукова діяльність


Specialized Academic Board



Об'єкт дослідження -criminal procedural relations, which sometimes can result in the rise of the conflict (disputed) situations and criminal procedural conflicts. Мета дослідження - substantiation of the essence of the criminal procedural conflicts, which arise at the stage of preliminary investigation and improvement of the mechanism of their solution. Методи дослідження - dialectic and materialistic method of knowledge and its concrete definition as the systematic and structural approach. The logical and juridical, concrete and sociological methods, as well as separate scientific methods were used: comparative and legal, statistical and legal modelling. Теоретичнi результати та новизна - The provisions, formulated and worded in the dissertation, generalisations, conclusions and proposals have both general theoretical and special sphere (field of knowledge) importance for the criminal procedure science, criminalistics and forensic expertise, as they extend and deepen the comprehension of the esse nce and meaning of the criminal and procedural conflict and the ways of its solution in the practical activities of the agencies in charge of the preliminary interrogation and preliminary investigation. Практичні результати і новизна: The proposals, worded in it, can be: а) implemented in the course of the elaboration of the new draft Criminal Procedural Code of Ukraine; b) used for elaboration of the appropriate sections of the textbooks and manuals on the criminal procedure, criminalistics, forensic expertise and of the special courses on these subjects; c) used for the lectures at the higher school law faculties on the following topics: "Subjects of criminal procedural activities", "Application of the prosecution measures", "General terms of the preliminary investigation", "Execution of the investigation proceedings", "Suspension and completion of the preliminary investigation"; d) used by the students, trainees and cadets of the training institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukrai ne in their research activities; e) used for further improvement of the activities of the interrogators, investigators, Heads of the investigation bodies, procurators, lawyers and judges; f) used for increasing the legal knowledge level among the population. Предмет і ступінь впровадження - Methodical recommendations for prevention and elimination of conflict situation, resolving of the criminal-procedural conflicts have been introduced to the activity of the General Board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, as weel as to the training of Ukraine Internal Affairs National Academy. Ефективність впровадження - The methodical references (recommendations) have received the positive evaluation. Сфера використання - legislative process, training process.

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