Vyshyvanyuk M. The Post Reform Development of Agriculture in Administrative Region

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 08.07.02 - Економіка сільського господарства і АПК


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.350.01

National Scientific Centre "Institute of Agrarian Economics"


Research objects: organizational and legal, social and economical structures of agrarian sector of economy in Carpathian region of Ukraine. The aim of research: the working out of scientific and methodological, organizational and economical basins in reforming of agrarian relations on the regional level, the mechanism of their experimental checking and an industrial introduction, the giving of complex to the developing of agrarian relations, the introduction of monitoring of all systems of reforming. Methods: statistics and economical, monographic, abstract and logical, historical and economical, graphic, the building of dynamic rows, comparative analysis and experimental. Theoretical and practical results: There is a special contribution to the theory, methodology and practice for the solution the problem of reforming of agrarian relations; they deepen the approaches to the organization of agrarian reforming and open the opportunities to their acceleration. Novelty of introduced: theoretical and scientific and methodological basis of the developing of agrarian relations are proved; the conceptual basis of developing of revival processes in the village are formed; the programs and methods of agrarian transformations in the vertical link "region-district-rural settlements-agroformations" are proposed and introduced in practice, the models and mechanism of the reforming of collective agricultural enterprises are worked out. Implementation degree: the proposals and recommendations are being introduced in the Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions and are used in educational process in the Precarpathian University named after V. Stefanyk and Lviv State Agricultural University. Efficiency: the results will promote the developing of region's agrarian relations. Sphere, sector of use: economy of agriculture.


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