Anokhina S. The role of pineal gland in haemostasis regulation attached to hypo- and hyperthyreoid status

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.04 - Патологічна фізіологія


Specialized Academic Board

К 58.601.01


Defend candidate’s thesis which elucidate influence of melatonin into system blood regulation, intensivity of fibrinolytic and protheolitic of fissues in experimental hypo- and hyperthyreoid status for elaborate pathogenetic cronotherapevtical methods of treatment with haemostasis system violation onto hypo- and hyperfunction thyreoid gland. Determine of changes into blood regulation system with hypo- and hyperthyreoid rats after epiphisectomy. It has been discovered hypercoagulation blood status into rats with hypothyreolytic activiti. Hyperthyreoid status cause hypocoagulation blood status and intensification fibrinolytic and protheolytic system. In case application of melatonin has registered increasing fibrinolysis and protheolysis onto hypothyreoid rats and hypercoagulation caracteristic of blood condence. Hyperthyreoid status considerably decreased fibrinolytic and proteolytic activity and registered decreasing data of thromboelastography.


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