Goncharenko V. Ollulanosis with pigs in Ukraine Forest-Steppe and Polissya, diagnostics and control measures improventent.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 16.00.11 - Паразитологія, гельмінтологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.359.01

National Scientific Center Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine


The object of the experiment: epizootical ollulanosis situation, pathological ollulanosis process, the success of the univerium and virutrisicide in the time of ollulanosis with pigs. The aim of the experiments: analysis of up-to-date situation on ollulanosis in- vasion problem in Ukraine Forest-Steppe and Polissya, developing living diagno- stics methods and improving control measures of ollulanosis with pigs. The methods of the experiments: helminthological, endoscopical, morfologi- cal, immunological, zitochemical, serological, biochemical and the methods of the statistic analysis of received results. Equipment: microscope, projectionist tryhineloscope, endoscope, compresso- rium, photoelectrocolorymet, thermostat, water-bath, zentrifugium, microdosator, a chamber for the calculation of helmints' eggs. Theoretical results: some new facts about epizootology of ollulanosis inva- sion, biological peculiarities of ollulans and development of pathological ollula- nosis process have been received. Underthe scheme elaboration of etiotrope and etiotrope-pathogenetical therapy of pigs, ill with ollulanosis, not only anthelmintic but also immunotropic properties of preparations had been taken into consideration Practical results: new facts about epizootology of ollulanosis invasion in Uk- rainian Polissya and Forest-Steppe, methods of living diagnostic of ollulanosis and therapy schemes of pigs, ill with ollulanosis,were developed. Innovation novelty: the system of struggle with ollulanosis invasion has been developed. Inculcation degree: Recommendations of living diagnostics of ollulanosis with pigs, confirmed by The State department of veterinary medicine of The Mini- stry of agrarian politics of Ukraine. Utilization branch: veterinary medicine.


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