Matvijchuk A. Historical evolution of the Ukrainian songs' poetics (the end of ХІХth - beginning of ХХth cent.)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 17.00.01 - Теорія та історія культури


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.807.02

Kiev National University of Arts and Culture


On the basis of the detailed analysis of materials and scientific works, and also literary and art products of the end of the ХІХ - the beginnings ХХ of centuries in the dissertation are investigated features of image and semantic evolution of song's poetics in the end of ХІХth - beginning of ХХth centuries. The historical sources of Ukrainian song's poetics on the background of the statement and development of the song genres are retraced, the historical cultural circumstances, which furthered the actualization of Ukrainian song's poetics are analysed. The marking out in the dissertation the basic tendencies of development of poetics of song's word on a boundary of the ХІХth - ХХth centuries in Ukraine occured on a background of reconstruction of evolution of a poetic image in the Ukrainian song, of the disclosing of features of a poetic word in the professional literature of the end of the ХІХth - beginning of ХХth centuries. Analyzing the available scientific literature on the given problem, with the purpose of specification of conceptual categorical structure of research, the author of the dissertation opens historical directions of the science literature' analyzing. For the first time the given problem is considered from the point of the view of the creative orientations which have defined the development of the Ukrainian songs in the end of the ХІХth - the beginning of the ХХth centuries. It is a combination of literary and folk song's principles of creativity, that has found its reflection in the genre updating and the variety, in the transformed forms of the Ukrainian song's poetics, in the changes of the art means. The reasons and the factors of formation of the important role of the Ukrainian songs in the making of national self-consciousness are explained, that always induced to its active research the most outstanding scientists, figures of art and culture. It is marked, that the Ukrainian song's and poetic creativity has passed a long evolutionary way: at first representing itself as the integral component of ritual and show, and in due course being gradually made out in an independent kind of professional art. Thus is emphasized, that the traditional content of the Ukrainian national songs is as every day life, with its daily problems, and the transcendent elements (leaving for limits of available activity), which stayed and kept in a song from times of its stay in the structure of cult action. The reasons of complete dependence of an image and high artistic value of the poetics of the song word from changes in the public consciousness of the creators and carriers of song creativity are proved. The process of allocation of the Ukrainian songs on the border of the ХІХ-ХХth centuries in a separate genre of professional art is considered in the aspect of evolution of ideological - aesthetic belief of younger generation of the writers, of their waste from popular tradition, of the comparison of the songs and poetry as two independent aestheticallyimportant units of art culture. The special attentionin the thesis is given to the analysis of features of poetics of the Ukrainian song word. The complex and multidimensional process of evolution of images and concepts is in detail considered; thus there are taken into account both objective political factors, and subjective factors of the influence on this process of especially powerful and bright creative individualities (poets, composers, performers) of Ukraine in the end of ХІХth - beginning of ХХth cent. At the same time is emphasized, that modern song arises in complex dialectic unity of traditional and new, of the display of collective experience in individual creativity to be able again to return in the people, in the preservation of authorship and anonymous functioning.


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