Losyev O. Improvement of the methods for hatching and using of the drones of Ukrainian bees breed

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.02.04 - Технологія виробництва продуктів тваринництва


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.004.05

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Object - bee colonies, drones of the Ukrainian bee species, drones semen and equipment for its screening, honey, bee pollen. Purpose - to improve the technology of breeding and using the drones of the Ukrainian bee species for reproduction of fructiferous queen bees. Methods - zootechnic, biochemical, micrometer and statistic. Novelty - the morphological features of drones of the subspecies "Khmelnitsky" of the Ukrainian bee species are studied first in the research. It is found that drones' proboscis length is 3,60-3,97 mm, cubital index - 1,54-2,66, discoid bias - 18-54% of the positive cases, and body weight ranges from 146 to 282 mg. The subspecies differences of morphological features of the drones got from thoroughbred queen bees of various genealogical groups of newly-made bee type are found; this extends the knowledge of polyandry role in reproductive zooids of bee colony forming and makes a wide background of the Apis mellifera L specimen attributes changeableness.The knowledge of biology of reproduction, behavior and reproductive ability of a male bee is extended; this provides the enhancement of efficiency of parents colonies using in the technology of fructiferous queen bees getting. New data of stimulatory effect of bees extra nutrition with the protein-carbonic food on drones growing activity by the parents colonies at a ratio of 2/3 of sealed and unsealed brood, and a part of young bees relatively to old ones in their nests is got.Research results are used in the practical work and educational process. Area - beekeeping.


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