The object of research the process of manpower resources formation and application of agricultural enterprises at the post reform stage of the agrarian sector of the economy development in Zhytomyr oblast. 2. The aim of research: the development of theoretical and methodological principls and scientific and practical recommendations relating to forming and inereaing the manpower resources application at the agricultural enterprises. 3. The method of research: : sociological, dispersive, correlation and regression method, methods of grouping, comparison and observation constructive, monographical and method of scientific abstraction. 4. The theoretical and practical results: the scientific results and the conclusions formulated in scientific paper (dissertation) provide a fasis for the study and practical resolution of the issues in forming and utilizing manpower resources having regard to farm industry specificity the development of multistructural, organizational and legal form of economic managementas well as socioeconomic peculiarities of the economy transformation. The suggestions and the results attained are used for elaborating the target-oriented programmer of Ukrainian rural development and creating favorable socioeconomic and production conditions or rural population reproduction, for improving its standard of lairing, professional training and employment. 5.The scientific novelty: here were first determined and substantiated the perspective trends of forminy and applying the manpower resources of agricultural enterprises under the conditions of Ukrainian integration into the world economic space including its joining the WTO on the dasis of employment optimization world taking into account the farm industry specialization, different forms organizational and legal, management, socioeconomic peculiarities of the post-reform period which will make it possible to improve the efficiency of manpower resources application the methodical of farm business manpower resources groupingas to sex distribution, age, education, qualification, labour turnover, work experience, labour capacity, occupational mobility waking them out into social and age groups vohich provide a basis for elaborating and drawing up long-term target oriented programmers of agricultural development; the methodical approach to elaborating the labour costs optimization model of regional farm enterprises taking into account the cropping pattern, yielding capacity, lire stock population and animal capacity resulting in gob vacancy and manpower resources balance in rural areas. 6. The degree of application: the results of studies have been taken for intrvduction by Zhytomyr employment centre, Zhytomyr regional administration, agrecultural enterpricses. They are also used in educational process of the state higher educational institution. 7. Efficiency: the results of scientific studies provide the concept of mapower resurces formation and application at the agricultural enterprises. 8. The sphere of application: Chief Administration of Economyand Agroindustrial Development, Farm Management of regional government administration, agricultural enterprises.