Maleonchuk O. Formation of spring wheat productivity depending on elements of cultivation technology in the Northern part of Forest-steppe of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.01.09 - Рослинництво


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.004.10

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


Results of the investigation of the productivity formation peculiarities of spring wheat sorts depending on predecessor, standard quantity of seeds per hectare of spring wheat sorts and fertilizing are represented in dissertation. Influence of the investigated factors on the formation of physical, biochemical, and technological parameters of the grain quality is determined, and the necessity of the differentiation of standard quantity of seeds per hectare of spring wheat sorts considering the predecessor and fertilization is defined. Economic and energetic analysis of the cultivation efficiency of the spring wheat depending on the elements of technology is carried out. It is estimated that the level of the spring wheat yield is conditioned by a complex of factors, among which predecessor (36,3 %) and system of fertilization (30,1 %) are dominating. With the purpose of raising the level of crop yield, spring wheat should be sown after potato and sugar-beet. It is determined that the efficiency of the standard quantity of seeds per hectare is largely conditioned by biological properties of sorts and system of fertilization. System of fertilization influences significantly the level of yield, which absolute parameters depend on sort, standard quantity of seeds per hectare and predecessor . It is defined that physical parameters of the spring wheat grain quality, which are mass of 1000 grains, nature, and скловидність of grain change significantly depending on predecessor and increase of the fertilizers dose. At the same time increase of the standard quantity of seeds per hectare cause reverse correlation. Sort forms grain of higher quality than Коlektivna 3 does. Better predecessor of the spring wheat, after which grain of higher quality is formed is potato, somewhat worse grain is formed after winter wheat + Sinapis alba sown after wheat are harvested . Fertilization with nitrogen in the phase of earling (N30P90K90 + N30(III)+30(VIII)) improves paramenters of grain quality, which cultivating after potato yield with the 4,0 mln./ha standard quantity of seeds per hectare grain of the 1st class of quality. It is defined that high standard quanity of seeds per hectare conditioned lodging and worsening of the grain quality. Grain of the spring wheat with high sowing qualities is formed after better predecessor, moderate doses of fertilizers and low standard quality of seeds per hectare. Sort of the spring wheat Rannya 93, independent from investigated elements of technology forms grain with higher sowing qualities than sort Коlektivna 3. Elements of the adaptive cultivation technologies of the spring wheat considering their economic and energetic efficiency are grounded in dissertation. Cultivation technology of the spring wheat, which allows to yield 5,5 - 5,6 t/ha is elaborated and introduced in production. The highest income was under sowing of spring wheat sorts after sugar-beet and winter wheat + Sinapis alba sown after wheat are harvested ї with standard number of 5,0 mln. seeds per hectare and N30Р60К60+N30(III) dose of fertilization, and after potato with standard quantity of 6,0 mln. seeds per hectare and N30P30K30 dose of fertilization. Power imput per hectare differed depending on the predecessor and increased when dose of fertilizers and standard quantity of seeds per hectare were raised.


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