Research object: processes controlling logistics activities (KLD) for industrial enterprises; Objective: To summarize and development of theoretical and methodological provisions, development of practical recommendations on controlling logistics activities of industrial enterprises, research methods and techniques: system analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, mathematical and statistical methods (descriptive statistics and canonical analysis), mathematical optimization methods, graphics, theoretical and practical results: determination of controlling as a management function, which synthesizes, integrates and coordinates the other functions of logistics business (LDP) in a single system, based on cross-cutting control, analysis, evaluation, forecasting each of the LD: procurement, production logistics, distribution logistics, inventory, warehousing, information, logistics and tracking consistency between them; guidelines for KLP, enterprise, technology which differs from by existing logic and content of stages: an overall analysis of the company; establish the significance of logistics in achieving mission and goals of the enterprise-based instrument using balanced scorecard (BSC), the development of the LDP scoring system, holding Comparative analysis of the types of LD, analysis and diagnostics of the state LD; prediction values in balanced scorecard species under LD; ptymizatsiya costs by type of LD based on the element types to minimize costs taking into account items costing, managerial decision making in the LD, which involves the development chart Ishykawa developed on the basis of economic and mathematical models KLD enterprise; control of the administrative decision; organizational structure on the basis of selection and implementation of logistics posts logistics controller for each type of LD with a clear separation of management functions to improve efficiency KLD enterprise, the method for controlling deviations are muse of growth curves to predict performance LDs that can detect problem areas and obtain predicted values for each controlled parameter in Balanced Scorecard LD; model strategy maps by isolating them in LD species, displaying the relevant objectives, structuring components: finance, business processes , the client control, training and staff development that specified in the basic parameters controlled by the types of BSC LD that can detect LD reserves efficiency, degree of implementation: the findings are applied in practice JSC "Kharkov Bearing Plant, State Enterprise" Kharkov factory transport equipment "field of use: the process of controlling logistics of building enterprises.