The object of the research: reorganization managemant process of engineering enterprises, which are in the state of crisis; the aim of the research: further reorganization strategy theoretical and methodological provision development for the engineering enterprise, which functions in the conditions of crisis phenomena manifestation considering its external and internal environment; research methods and facilities: analysis, syntesis and hierarchy analysis, taxonomical development level method, short-term adaptive and trend forecast methods based on time series, matrix analysis, multicriteria choice method, cognitive modelling method; theoretical and prictical results: methodical approach to enterprise reorganization strategy, which, on the contrary to the existing methods, based on system approach and strategic management innovational tools application – balanced factor system concept; methodological provision of internal and external environment condition diagnostics of enterprise functioning, which on the contrary to the existing diagnostics is based on the application of the offered criteria: financial resourses availability in the external environment and crisis depth in accordance with crisis phenomena flux at an enterprise; reorganization strategic scenarios development and choice, the distinctive feature of which is balaned factor system and cognitive modelling concept tools combination; understanding the concept of the notion «reorganization strategy», the distinctive feature of which is its determination as a component of bancruptcy prevention strategy, which is the perspective-tailored complex of management tasks, decisions and events aimed at enterprise effective functioning sanitation and renewal and steady upward development vector provision in the conditions of substantial resource limitations; algorythmic enterprise reorganization strategy matrix formation model, which considering the interaction of internal and external environment of its functioning justifies the choice of adequate reorganization strategy; methodical provisionof balanced factor system formation, which, on the contrary to the existing ones, is formed on the basis of individual strategic elaboration applying multicriteria choice methods and is the basis for enterprise reorganization strategy scenarios formation; degree of implementation: the results of the development are implemented in the practical operation of the engineering industry: «Turboatom» PLC, «Tochmash»PLC, «NGMZ-BUR» private limeted company, «Avtramat»; Kharkiv National University of Economics in teaching the disciplines «Financial Analysis» and «Enterprise Financial Reorganization Management»; the field of application: engineering enterprises reorganization strategy formation, educational process.