Kushnir O. Diagnosis and correction of thrombus syndrome complex intensive therapy in patients with obstructive jaundice conditionality tumors pancreatoduodenal area

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.30 - Анестезіологія та інтенсивна терапія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 08.601.01


The dissertation are devoted to the pertinent scientific task to improve the results of treatment of patients with obstructive jaundice due to pancreatic tumors of pancreatoduodenal area by establishing reserve capacity and functional disorders of haemostasis system parameters, their timely prevention and correction on perioperative stage of treatment. In the work the mechanisms of hemocoagulation dosorders were studied and data on the initial state of the system hemocoagulation in patients with obstructive jaundice were received. There was found spare capacity and functional state of hemocoagulation in patients with obstructive jaundice by performing tests with a double local hypoxia of upper limb and interpretation of results clarified the dynamics of changes in hemocoagulation in patients with mechanic jaoundice during treatment. There was developed the correction of hemocoagulation disorders in patients suffering from mechanic jaundice using a differential approach depending on the type of reaction to the test with a double local hypoxia upper extremity. The differential approach to correction trombohemorahichnyh disorders in patients operated on obstructive jaundice was developed.


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