Zhukova T. The effectiveness of complex treatment of locally spread larynx cancer while applying induction chemotherapy and multifractional radiotherapy

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.23 - Променева діагностика та променева терапія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.609.01

The Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Ministry of Health of Ukraine


We analyzed the results of the examination and treatment of 108 patients with squamous cell larynx cancer (SCLC) and squamous cell laryngopharynx cancer (SCLPC) in II-III stages, who were divided randomly into 2 groups according to treatment regimen. Specified scientific data as for the expression cancer proteins mr53, Bcl-2, Ki-67 with the SCLC and SCLPC in II-III stages depending on the degree of differentiation of the tumor. It was found out that in low-differentiated tumors the level of mr53, Ki-67 is the highest, and the level of expression of Bcl-2 is independent of differentiation. For the first time we found out the effectiveness of different methods of treatment of SCLC and SCLPC depending on the level of expression of Ki-67, mp53, and Bcl-2 and justified the use of these markers as criteria for selecting methods of therapy. It is proved that the most effective method in case of high levels of mp53 and Ki-67 is simultantic radio chemotherapy. Using RGT in the mode of multifractioning of dose does not affect the frequency of survival level, but probably makes the frequency of skin reactions in III stage 4 times as little, on the mucosa of the larynx and laryngopharynx - 5 times as little compared to traditional RGT. Application of PCT- RGT (1 subgroup of II group) does not increase the frequency of complete regression and partial regression versus the comparison group (I group), but enables the increase in 1-year disease-free survival by 1.8 times. Simultantic radio chemotherapy (II subgroup of group 2) PCT - CRT enables the increase in frequency of complete regression by 2 times, 1-year disease-free survival - by 2,75 times and 2-year survival rate - by 1,85 times.


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