Mykhailiuk I. Comparative influence of skeletal, cranial-cerebral and combined traumas on morphofunctional disorders of liver in the period of early manifestations of traumatic disease.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.03.04 - Патологічна фізіологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 58.601.01

I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University


The research is devoted to clearing up the influence of skeletal, cranial-cerebral and combined cranial-skeletal traumas on morphofunctional disorders of liver in the period of early manifestations of traumatic disease and efficiency of their correction with Tiocetam. It is shown that each of the modeled traumas: skeletal, cranial-cerebral and combined possess both common and specific mechanisms of system influence on organism. The biggest disorders of lipid peroxidation, antioxidant protection and cytolysis are registered after 7 days on the background of cranial-cerebral and combined traumas. In these conditions the contents of whole protein reduces, interleukin-2 level increases which after 3 days is substantially higher after striking skeletal trauma, after 7 days – skeletal and cranial-cerebral traumas. From the first to the seventh day substantial disorders of biligenesis and biliary excretion occur, which are the highest after 3 and 7 days after striking skeletal and cranial-cerebral traumas. Modeled traumas are accompanied with increase of mass coefficient of liver, accumulation of vascular and dystrophic-necrotic disorders in liver tissue from the first to the seventh day of post-traumatic period which become the most evident after 7 days in group with combined trauma. It is grounded the approach to pathogenetic therapy of functional and biochemical disorders on the background of cranio-skeletal trauma with Tiocetam usage.


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