Shalyhin S. Optimization of the reconstructive restorative operations of colon

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.03 - Хірургія


Specialized Academic Board

К 76. 600. 01


An object - reconstructive restorative operations for patients with colostomies; The aim of the dissertation is improvement of the results of reconstructive restorative operations of colon by determining the optimal timing of their implementation and developing of preventive measures of the seams insolvency of anastomosis; methods - clinical, laboratory, biochemical, histological, radiological, sonographic, colonoscopy, mathematical, statistical; results - based on the studying of histopathologic structure, bacterial composition, endoscopic changes of the rectal stump on the different terms after its disconnection, was created criteria of determining the optimal timing of surgery treatment, was analyzed factors that have influence on seams insolvency of anastomosis during reconstructive restorative operations, was developed math model of the prognostication seams insolvency, was improved diagnostic and treatment tactic of reconstructive restorative operations, was developed method of diagnosing and preparing rectal stump for reconstructive restorative operations, that promote reducing the quantity seams insolvency of anastomosis.


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