Kashaba M. Clinical and pathogenic substantiation for prevention and treatment of periodontal disorders in vibration disease.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.22 - Стоматологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.02


The study deals with theoretical substantiation and new solution to an actual problem in dentistry, which is to improve early diagnosis, increase the effectiveness of prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases in patients exposed to occupational vibration through the development and application of individualized therapeutic dental schemes. Patients with vibration disease (VD) II stage were found to have the incidence of severe gingivitis twice higher than in patients with VD I stage and significantly higher than in the group of somatically healthy subjects; the intensity of caries exceeds this rate twofold in patients with VD I stage and significantly higher than in the group of somatically healthy subjects. The study determined the most informative and prognostically important indices of functional dental status. Patients, exposed to occupational vibration at the stages of VD establishment, were shown to develop secondary disregulative condition manifested by impaired quality of the oral fluid which is correspondingly supposed to be monitored and consistently corrected. The study identified that consideration of altered imunometabolic state of the oral fluid, duration of vacuum-pressure resistance of capillaries, presence and severity of VD allows to substantiate individual and group therapeutic dental schemes and clinical metabolic efficiency of complex treatment is achieved by correction of changes inherent to vibration-induced syndrome of periodontal changes.


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