Kofman A. Improvement of surgical treatment of patients with an involutional ptoz of skin of the top and average face zones.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.22 - Стоматологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 44.601.01

Ukrainian medical stomatological Academy


The thesis is devoted to questions of increase of efficiency of surgical treatment of patients with an involutional ptoz of skin of the top and average face zones by definition of optimum borders peeling and a tension of skin and fatty rags in these regions. The analysis of the received these biomechanical researches has shown that the largest sizes of deformation are recorded at persons with a dolikhotsefalitichna a shape of the head. The skin and fatty rags mobilized in temporal area have the smallest volume of plastic deformation, and skin of malar area has considerable deformability and relaxations. For the 30th days of supervision in both groups patients with normotsirkulyatorny, hyperemic and spastic microcirculation types meet, but after application of the modified technique the number of people with normotsirkulyatorny to type are 24% more, than in opposite group. In a year after the carried-out surgeries at 10 patients (48%) of 1 group a condition of a postoperative hem has been estimated well that much lower in comparison with results 2 groups 21 persons (72%). Correction of depth of physiological furrows and folds of the person is more effective when carrying out top and average a ritidektomiya taking into account absolute values of deformation of skin and fatty rags. The analysis of the modified techniques of ritidektomiya which is carried out by us has shown that the developed principle of the maximum mobilization of rags, taking into account ergonomic features of soft fabrics and with I conceal them the microcirculator course, allows to expand considerably possibilities of plastic surgeries with formation of a normotrofichna of hems.


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