Karvatska Y. Comprehensive treatment of patients with acne in iodine deficiency region

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.20 - Шкірні та венеричні хвороби


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.003.02


The thesis is aimed at improving the treatment of acne in the region with natural iodine deficiency through the use of complex differential treatment considering the state of pituitary-thyroid system, acne rash microflora, certain immunological parameters, the microbiota of the colon of patients and clinical features of dermatosis. We have defined clinical features of acne and the state of pituitary-thyroid system in patients living in the iodine deficiency region as well as the nature of changes in a number of immunological parameters, of acne rash microflora and intestinal biocenosis, due to the severity of dermatitis. We have developed an improved method of complex treatment of acne in an iodine deficiency region with a differentiated use of remedies with antibacterial, immunotropic, probiotic action and those to normalize thyroid homeostasis that significantly improves clinical and laboratory results of dermatosis treatment7452


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