Ovcharenko S. Diagnostics and intensive therapy of systemic inflammatory response in newborns suffered severe asphyxia at birth.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.30 - Анестезіологія та інтенсивна терапія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.02


The dissertation of Ovcharenko S.S. considers the important issue of modern medicine, the solution of which is aimed at improving the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment of systemic inflammatory response in newborns suffered severe asphyxia. The role of the systemic inflammatory response in the pathogenesis of the critical state is defined on the basis of the study of indicators of cytokines, functional activity of endothelium and indicators of intoxication in 50 newborns suffered severe asphyxia at birth. The characteristics of the flow of the systemic inflammatory response in recovered newborns and those newborns, who died, is given. A pathogenetically supported method of early diagnosis of the systemic inflammatory response, as well as a method for predicting the course and outcome of the disease is presented. The results of application of the deproteinised hemodialysate of vealers' blood in complex of the intensive therapy of newborns suffered severe asphyxia at birth show a decrease in activity of the endothelium, prevention of the development of endogenous intoxication, which is accompanied by improvement of the respiratory function of the lungs, reduction of the duration of mechanical ventilation, improved neurological situation and reduction of time of patients' stay in the unit of anesthesiology and intensive therapy of newborn.


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