Semenova N. Hygienic assessment of the impact of the neonatal departments' environment on the development of preterm infants.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.02.01 - Гігієна


Specialized Academic Board

Д 64.600.06


In this work the actual scientific task of optimizing the conditions for the rehabilitation and public recreation on recreational waters is solved by study and development of sanitary-ecological concepts; improvement of normative documents; development of organizational-administrative and environmental-hygienic measures for improving the effectiveness of sanitary protection and recreational use of water bodies. Nowadays in Kharkiv region a significant portion of surface water has lost its natural purity and suitability of self-purification. One of the main causes of pollution of recreational waters in surface water bodies used as recreation areas is insufficient purification of urban waste waters discharged into water bodies, eutrophication, increasing pollution of recreational water by invasive alien species of plants tortoniano(Pistia stratiotes) and other types of photoplankton, and getting into water bodies the natural flow of wastewater from residential areas and enterprises. The sanitary-ecological concept of health of population on water recreational areas is scientifically substantiated and developed, the priority-defining principles of which is compliance with environmental, sanitary and environmental legislation of Ukraine and EU with a mandatory responsibility for its violation in accordance with legal requirements; the priority of public health in the format of state support for the establishment and control of appropriate conditions for recreation and public recreation on recreational waters; unity of economic health and environmental interests of the population.


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