Lazaniuk V. Diagnosis and complex correction of hemorrhagic disorders in children with "cyanotic" congenital heart diseases

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.30 - Анестезіологія та інтенсивна терапія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 08.601.01


The scientific work is dedicated to improving the multimodality therapy of hemorrhagic disorders in children with "cyanotic" congenital heart disease by extracorporeal circulation. In order to achieve this objective dynamic comprehensive analysis of the state of hemostasis system was carried out in 90 patients with CHD, who was hospitalized for surgical treatable with heart-lung bypass to the department of vascular surgery of Odessa regional clinical children's hospital. Based on the research results of hemostasis disorders the advisability of including the low piezoelectric thromboelastography for dynamic monitoring of hemostasis in children with CHD in perioperative period is justified. Suggested therapeutic regimen of bleeding complications based on hemostasis researchs results of hromboelastography method reduces the number of postoperative complications, improves the vital function's indices and shortens theraphy in intensive care.


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