Romanenko K. Pregnancy not incubation at women is more senior than 40 years: early diagnostics and prophylaxis.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 14.01.01 - Акушерство та гінекологія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 26.613.02


Scientific work is devoted to depression of frequency of not incubation at primapara is more senior than 40 years on the basis of studying the clinical-ekhografical, endocrinologic, biochemical and microbiological changes, and also improvement of algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions. Frequency and terms of a spontaneous abortion in І trimester at primapara is established is more senior than 40 years in dependence of the genesial anamnesis and need of application of auxiliary genesial technologies. Data on not incubation pathogenesis on the basis of received endocrinologic and the ekhografical of data and their interrelation with clinical implications are expanded. Obstetric and perinatal results of delivery primapara are studied is more senior than 40 years taking into account the genesial anamnesis and use of auxiliary genesial technologies. The received results allowed to prove scientifically need of improvement of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions. The most informative clinical, ekhografical and endocrinologic markers for early diagnostics and control of a clinical current of 1 trimester of pregnancy at primapara are established is more senior than 40 years taking into account the reproductive anamnesis and need of use of auxiliary genesial technologies. Are studied frequency, the structure and terms of development of obstetric complications at primapara is more senior than 40 years. The algorithm of early diagnostics is improved and introduced and stage-by-stage (the predgravidarny and gestational periods) treatment-and-prophylactic actions at primapara is more senior than 40 years. Control methods behind the clinical course of pregnancy are offered, since І a trimester and finishing a delivery.


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